XBOX 360

Child Boards

[-] Xbox 360 Soft mods / JTAG support

[-] 360 Controllers / 360 Rapid Fire Controllers

[-] Tutorials


(1/158) > >>

[1] XBOX 360 Slim power pinouts

[2] Official Post pics of your 360 thread

[3] Link Game Play times

[4] Helpful topic: tuts, pics, links etc.

[5] The control does not turn on for me with the 4.2v battery on the back, help!!

[6] Matrix 1 controller D-pad Left, up, and analog sticks button not working

[7] Xbox 360 Wired Controller damaged through hole

[8] xbox 360 wireless controller charge and play not work

[9] xbox 360 wireless controller sensor analogue trace broken....


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