Author Topic: HELP PROBLEM where to put the wire..  (Read 1307 times)

Offline naphy

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HELP PROBLEM where to put the wire..
« on: December 04, 2010, 05:44:29 AM »
I'm having a problem where can i put all the wire of this led I'm doing a 16 led light with my psp slim. i have some picture. and i also have a problem in the d-pad & arrow button i put led but i think the button doesn't fit right.. any help??

here is the picture of my 1st trial mode.. oh by the way i didn't do the chotto cam because i broke already the 1 pin in USB port.. but the port is working fine thanks god.

Please give me some advice where can i put all those wiring  :beg: :beg:
so i can put back my psp.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2010, 05:45:32 AM by naphy »

Offline nEoVaLoR

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Re: HELP PROBLEM where to put the wire..
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2010, 11:55:06 PM »
I can't tell from the pic, what size are is ur wire? And for this type of mod I think you went about it the wrong way, for the button leds you want it neat, and mounted on the housing, you don't want a bunch of wires hanging around that you have to cram in the psp when you put it together, you are bound to have a short, or bad connection. That's how I've always done my psp mods.

Ya I just looked at this again, no way in @#$@ this is gonna fit together. Your wires are WAY to thick, and it seems like you modded the psp from the outside. You MIGHT be able to keep the UMD door, but you'll definitely lose ur umd function.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2010, 11:58:25 PM by VaLoRkEy »


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