Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) > PS3

2 Questions: One about PSN HK/JP, One about stick modding.


Does anyone know if they get things on the same days? For example, GT5 Prologe? I have a HK account I created back when Tekken DR came out in Japan so I could download japanese / hk content.


It's nice having one.... I get to download free HD videos of cute hk girls bowling and stuff .  :tup:

and, I just bought this stick:

Anyone know where a good stick modding site is? With clear buttons ect?


i didnt even know you could mod sticks.

All regions stores get things at different times.

I've seen plenty of modded stick at Tekken tournies... but I never had a stick so I never bothered asking.

i just built a whole mame arcade so i pretty much looked up every single piece that can be modded. and yes u can find replacement sticks. and clear buttons just search ebay for "happ" they make all the buttons and arcade sticks that u see is almost all arcade machines. just look for clear happ buttons, and if u do order the buttons dont forget to buy the micro switches that go with them. all happ buttons use cherry micro switches. hope this helped   :#1:


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