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I vote RA1N for nicest, she always welcomes the newbies (if I don't get there first!) and I vote FuFa for the weirdass German kid category. FuFa is my idol.Slimby
Oh gawd Dx I'm not weird, you just can't handle the fact that I can watch 2g1c without even changing my expression.
I can watch 2g1c without even changing my expression.
ok now i sound like a small kid that is asking for attention
getting old is mandatory growing up is optional.
what if you are xD
I have if he has to point out that he's almost 17 :P Age is a number, maturity is a state of mind, cake is good.Slimby
Nicest Member: RobinMost original Modder: Nic0Most Mods: CyberMost Active Member: that's Deda
im on longer than you :P and to prove its true...whos online now, and whos offline now? yay :P lol
Was I forgotten about?Teh Overl0rd:Total Time Spent Online: 7 days, 8 hours and 35 minutes. Deda:Total Time Spent Online: 5 days, 6 hours and 21 minutes. PspKicks Total Time Spent Online: 16 days, 1 hours and 16 minutes. I have you guys beat by a week!Actually,MORE than a week I'm on every day,from the moment I walk in the door,the when I go to bed. PWNED. xD
You can't nominate yourself anyway
28 days, 12 hours and 47 minutes.
you got my vote .... eLITE XD
i vote indychav for nicestand cpie for worst karma(seriously +0/-55 )