Author Topic: safer guide to psn/cfw  (Read 18714 times)

Offline 1TONpete

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safer guide to psn/cfw
« on: January 22, 2013, 09:07:11 AM »
With new cfw's coming out that give us access to PSN, and the current battle over bans, I decided to create a guide which can hopefully keep the bans down to a minimum and help people who are banned to get back online.

1) stay away from any Black Ops game online. Treyarc Will get you banned.

2) all ways turn off your internet when not in use and before shutdown. Also while you are in multimanager or showtime. Any homebrew is viewed by sony as a reason to ban.

3) there are tools to spoof multimanager but these are not confirmed safe. check out PS_ninja.

4) do not cheat online. Someone will report you and you will get banned.

5) it is wise to create a new psn account on the pc just for cfw use. If your account gets banned you will loose a lot. I made the mistake of using the same account on my vita and it banned my vita account also. had to reformat my memory card because the vita cards are account linked. Lost some downloaded games. Also it is a good idea to back up save data often as when a account gets banned you can recover and retake save data on a different account. Not sure if this works on 3.55 but on rex 4.21 it is a part of the rex toolbox.

lastly if you do get banned there is hope. When you get a console ban, you can unban it. Also it is a good idea to use the unban tool if not banned yet as it spoofs your console ID, so your real console ID is not banned when you do get banned. That way if you want to sell your PS3 it will be not banned.
The current easy way to unban is the tool called PS_unban. 3.55 link 4.21/4.30link
There are ways to manually patch your console ID , but I like to use the tool because it uses an ID that won't be used by a real account. IE some poor sap who has a legit console ID. This ID gets banned after a while because of cfw abuse. Which is one reason why I am creating this topic. We have to continually  update the unban tool because people can't stay away from Treyarc and black ops. So I say again , please stay away from Black Ops online!
The ID gets banned regularly so I will have to update these links as new ID's come in.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 06:30:04 AM by 1TONpete »

Offline whitetop

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Re: safer guide to psn/cfw
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2013, 09:15:22 AM »
if you clean it up a bit to look like a guide ill sticky it for you but with out the clean up i don't see much of a guide dude
come to the rite place if you kiss admins as they promote you to admin.

Offline 1TONpete

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Re: safer guide to psn/cfw
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2013, 09:16:50 AM »
Will work on it. sorry it kinda looks like a rant atm.

Offline whitetop

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Re: safer guide to psn/cfw
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2013, 09:34:08 AM »
its ok that's what i was on about looked like you rushed it but no big deal dude
come to the rite place if you kiss admins as they promote you to admin.

Offline 1TONpete

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Re: safer guide to psn/cfw
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2013, 08:47:47 AM »
Ok people need help from a good programer . we need a better solution. Sony is onto the unban tool and people keep abusing it. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. please help.

a clean dump to get console id needed...

If you have a NOR DUMP go to offset 0002F070 and if you have a NAND DUMP go to offset 00040870. Whatever dump you have once you have gone to that offset that whole line is your console id. I hope this better helps people that wanted to know how to retrieve console ids from dumps!

then this

PS_unban V6 PKG
 How to use

 So, you can simply add it to PS_Unban package (by 0x00) doing the next steps:     

 Unpack Ps_unban's pkg using pkgview or pkg toolkit 
   Unself the EBOOT.BIN file inside USRDIR , using scetool (in cmd: scetool -d EBOOT.BIN EBOOT.ELF)     Open the EBOOT.ELF file in HxD and go to offset: 0x1AA8B0 and paste write (ctrl+b) firsts 16 numbers of the console id.     In HxD, go to offset 0x1AA898 and paste write (ctrl+b) the remaining part of the consoleid.     Save your EBOOT and self it back, then pack the pkg. 

more to it... 1. Use the sample folder as a reference (ABCD12345).
- Rename folder using the same Title ID of homebrew, follow guide below (XXXXYYYYY).
Content ID - UP0001-XXXXYYYYY_00-0000111122223333
Change XXXX and YYYYY to Title ID of homebrew (Game ID's look like this - BLUS 12345).
2. Place the EBOOT.BIN created in step 1 into USRDIR.
3. Place all other files into the main PKG directory (should be the folder created in step 2.1).
- Files can include ICON0.PNG, ICON1.PAM, PIC1.PNG, SND0.AT3 etc.
4. Edit PARAM.SFO in same directory with Title ID, Title, App Version, Data Type etc. of homebrew.
5. Edit or create a new package.conf following the sample file provided.
- You can rename it the same as the Title ID of homebrew.
6. Select input folder created in previous steps (ie.ABCD12345/XXXXYYYYY).
7. Select the config file created in step 5.
8. Make sure the Content ID under Build PKG matches the one set in your package.conf file.
9. Click Build.

Read more:

Read more:

All credits for Ps_unban go to 0x00 -  ... no need pay for private ver. make it self

anyone with semi functioning ps3's they would care to share the console id please let me know.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 09:54:50 AM by 1TONpete »


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