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Unknown Driver Causing Problems When iPhone Is Plugged In


story goes that if i plug my iphone into the laptop and if the iphone has pictures taken with the camera it will shut down the laptop displaying a blue screen with an error of 0x0000007e followed by others number i can't record down in time. if i plug it in to my sisters computer it is fine, it just automatically opens the camera and printer wizard and gives me the option to import the photos. I know it is a problem with my windows and drivers because i did some research and alot of people have said that it was a logitech quickcam driver causing the problem but i dnt have any kind of webcam or camera software/drivers installed. I try re-installing windows from the system factory backup on the hard drive but that didnt fix it and i can not get my hands on a xp installation cd so need help. Any one have an idea of which driver is causing this? or if it is the driver?
my computer is an acer aspire 5602WLMi if that helps

Try installing the photo software your sister has.

get a newer version of itunes?

MattZani- My sister doesn't have any camera software installed, we just use mem card readers normally

lewson-yes i do have the latest version but evn if i uninstall itunes its it does the same because its a driver problem with something else.


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