Author Topic: PSP Slim Button LED's by l0rdnic0  (Read 23473 times)

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PSP Slim Button LED's by l0rdnic0
« on: January 04, 2008, 06:18:40 PM »
If you use this document and find it usefull or if you think this is lame, let me know.

Sorry the picture quality is not the best, I'll have access to a camera with Macro tomorrw.

Before you start this project, read the entire document and make sure you understand the steps. You are responsible for you own actions.

A PSP Slim,
A Sound mod? (That’s how I did it).
A drill
Snips or good Scissors
If you need help refer to the following documents.

T3KN1K4L's PSP Disassembly Instructions.
Slim Sound Reactive LED Mod

Start of by removing the Face plate of your PSP
NOTE: Put something Anti Static over the inside of the faceplate lens or use gloves. I scratched mine trying to clean off a fingerprint.

Remove the buttons from the faceplate

Preparing the buttons

Here you will use the Drill to drill a small hole at an angle as shown for each button you wish to light. I used a piece of tape on my drill bit to make sure I only went in about 1/8 inch or a little more. Make sure when you drill, you start you drill just under the gray area of the button and into the clear area since you are drilling at an angle. If you go to high it will interfere with the function of the button (and we don’t want that). Note this is just like drilling the shoulders

Measure twice cut once. Make sure your happy with the location you are going to drill in.
NOTE: I us a small center punch to make a dimple for the drill bit.

After you drilled out the X button line it up and using your snips cut some of the plastic that the X button sits in as shown in the picture (basically your making a channel for the LED wires to freely move in when the faceplate is in place).
<will add this picture tomorrow when I have the Macro camera.>

Fit the LED’s in the buttons
Listen this isn’t hard to do, just run the wires under the LCD to the X /\ O [] and near the thumb stick for the dpad.

When I did it, I fit the LED’s into the buttons and then let the buttons lay on the pads (Dpad and X /\ O []) where they make contact to. Then I placed the faceplate on the PSP and pressed firmly where the buttons fit into the faceplate (as to make sure they were seated correctly. Then I tested everything out.

During testing I had a ghost that kept moving the dpad to the left when I would press down. An adjustment with the dpad fixed the issue….
That’s it and here is my result. I hope you like it.  :tup:

Thanks again to Edhel for his intrest in this mod!!

Hey if you know someone who has done this Mod on a Slim before I have posted this Tut let me know. I like to give credit where credit is due.



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