Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) > XBOX 360



Hey guys.

My wireless controllers keep turning off, like they just go off suddenly. I don't think it's the batteries because I can turn it back on again. I have modded my 360, but just the case no chips or anything, and this was a problem before I did the mod, and it's happening with all 4 of my controllers. It makes me worried that the WiFi in the 360 itself is malfunctioning or something :S

Also when I press the XB button and it has the screen showing the battery level on the controller, they have almost full charge. I'll try it out tomorrow with my rechargeable battery pack that I have and see if it still happens, if not I think we can safely assume it's the batteries..

Any thoughts?

EDIT: That was just me giving you guys all my thoughts on it but I've just realized it can't be a wifi problem because the controllers actually go OFF, but how on all 4 of them O.o

Do they all go out at the same time, or sporadically

And I would try using the rechargeable batteries and see what happens

It's totally random when they turn off, but it happens to all 4. I just don't use 4 controllers at once :P

you have a play and charge kit?
if so try plugging one of em in and then using it, see if it gives you any problems


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