Console Modding------ ( Here you can talk about your favorite Consoles ) > XBOX 360

Making a 360?

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Is it possible for me to buy all the components for an XBOX 360 and put it together myself? I would look for and buy cheap parts on ebay and then once I have everything I need, put it together.

they over price the parts by like $10 each so they can make a profit

better to but a new one

just buy like a used one from a game store where they sell used consoles

Just go on ebay and buy a complete one that has the 3 red lights, then fix it... Thats what my friend did and now he's playin on xbox live every day!  :tup:


--- Quote from: Skullmaster on January 06, 2008, 08:46:26 PM ---Just go on ebay and buy a complete one that has the 3 red lights, then fix it... Thats what my friend did and now he's playin on xbox live every day!  :tup:

--- End quote ---

How would I fix it?

And to everyone else: I'm not looking to rush this project, I just got a Wii and want to enjoy that for a while before I get another system.


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