Author Topic: Lord of the Flies: the conch essay. can someone give feed back  (Read 11724 times)

Offline lilcrzytimmy

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Lord of the Flies: the conch essay. can someone give feed back
« on: January 05, 2008, 10:17:15 PM »
yea, that basically it, giev feedback, and comments on error.

i have bad grammar so like dont judge me on that, just tell me the grammar error if you want. 

its my school essay for english honor, i hate that class sooo much.

The Conch’s Symbolic Meaning and Effects
   A contemporary human society contains a foundation in which is set to prevent corruptions and commotion.  They have regulations, and authorities to benefit the individuals in the civilization.  Without these regulations and supremacies, the human society will fall into corruption, lose their conscience and degenerate into wild animals and beast.  In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, a conch is used as a representation of laws in a human civilization.  With the helps of the conch, the salvaged schoolboys are able to call groups, place political legitimacy, set up a democratic society, and have a civilization, but unfortunately the democracy and authority would deteriorate and leave the boys in totalitarianism and commotions.  We can make observations and find the development of this representation as Golding describes it and the boy’s uses of it.
   The development of the conch’s significance begins when “Ralph had stopped smiling and was pointing into the lagoon.  Something creamy lay among the ferny weeds… A shell” (15).   It was at that point, when Ralph first catches a glimpse of the conch, which its meaning began to development.  His curiosity set him in a position, where he must examine the mysterious object and when he touches it, Piggy persuades him to blow into the conch.   The remarkable sound of the conch leads all the wandering stranded schoolboys into their location illustrating the uses of the conch to call the others.
Golding describes the shell with visual imagery: “In the color, the shell was a deep cream, touched … with fading pink.  Between the point…lay eighteen inches of shell with a slight spiral twist, and covered with a delicate, embossed pattern” (16).  In his words, he illustrates the conch to be beautiful, a work of art and is valuable as Piggy describe it to be “ever so expensive” (16).  The conch represents to be a democracy and it is too precious and delicate because it is vital to preserve order in a society.  As Piggy transfers the conch from his hand to Ralph, He warns him to “be careful not to break it” (17).  Again we see that the conch is fragile and precious.  Throughout the novel, Ralph uses the conch to “call the others” (16).  They use the conch to have meetings and delegate positions, place rules such as “[Giving] the conch to the next person to speak” and assign power, for instance, electing the chief, therefore illustrating the use of democracy and political legitimacy in the stranded schoolboys (33).  The effects of the conch allowed the stranded boys to build a civilization, where everyone participates, and as a result, there is no corruption.    However, corruption begins to occur as the novel progresses.
   As the conch loses its power, Jack’s tribe becomes catastrophic barbarians. Shattered with the conch is hopes of survival and civilization; but this should not be surprising because of the conch’s treatment. We now contain the knowledge of how precious and fragile the conch is with the treatment of it in the beginning of the novel.  The boys respect the conch and use it to set rules and elect positions. But as the story progresses, the boys begin to harshly abuse the conch and eventually destroy it illustrating the fact that they had destroy democracy and authority.  Hence, we see the conch is an important symbol of having regulation, democracy and authority in a civilization and without a special system to govern people, human would deteriorate into wild beast and animals just as the stranded schoolboys did.
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Past: A whole mess of american PSP and eventually Japanese imports.

Materialistic, HELL YA. =D
*i just notice the ps3 was foreign, and i bought it in america. O.O

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Re: Lord of the Flies: the conch essay. can someone give feed back
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2008, 12:41:42 AM »
You are welcome!

The Conch’s Symbolic Meaning and Effects
   A contemporary human society contains a foundation in which is set to prevent corruption and commotion.  They have regulations, and authorities to benefit the individuals in the civilization.  Without these regulations and supremacies, the human society will would fall into corruption, lose their conscience and degenerate into wild animals and beasts.  In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, a conch is used as a representation of laws in a human civilization.  With the helps of the conch, the salvaged stranded schoolboys are able to call groups, place political legitimacy, set up a democratic society, and have a civilization,; unfortunately the democracy and authority would eventually deteriorates and leave the boys in a totalitarianism and commotionsa totalitarian environment, which leads to a cruel dictatorshipWe One can make observations and find the development of this representation apparent as Golding describes it and the boy uses of it eventual use of it by the boys.
   The development of the conch’s significance begins when “Ralph had stopped smiling and was pointing into the lagoon.  Something creamy lay among the ferny weeds… A shell” (15).   It was at that point, when Ralph first catches a glimpse of the conch, which its meaning began to development and it's symbolic nature becomes apparent.  His curiosity set him in a position, where he must examine the mysterious object, and when he touches it, Piggy persuades him to blow into the conch.   The remarkable sound of the conch, which resembles the trumpet previously used to call the boys, leads all the wandering stranded schoolboys into their location, illustrating the symbolic uses of the conch to call bring orderto the others.
Golding describes the shell with visual imagery:;[/color] “In the color, the shell was a deep cream, touched … with fading pink.  Between the point…lay eighteen inches of shell with a slight spiral twist, and covered with a delicate, embossed pattern” (16).  In his words, he illustrates the conch to be beautiful, a work of art and is valuable as Piggy describes it to be “ever so expensive” (16).  The conch represents to be a democracy and it is too precious and delicate because it is vital to preserve order in a society.  As Piggy transfers the conch from his hand to Ralph, He warns him to “be careful not to break it” (17).  Again we see that the conch is fragile and precious.  Throughout the novel, Ralph uses the conch to “call the others” (16)., they use the conch to have meetings and delegate positions, place rules such as “[Giving] the conch to the next person to speak” and assign power,. For instance, electing the chief, therefore illustrating the use of democracy and political legitimacy inamongst the stranded schoolboys (33).  The effects of the conch allowed the stranded boys to build a civilization, where everyone participates, and as a result, there is no corruption.  However, corruption begins to occur as the novel progresses.
   As the conch loses its power, Jack’s tribe becomes catastrophic barbariansuncivilized and barbaric. Shattered with the conch is hopes of survival and civilization; but this should not be surprising because of the conch’s mistreatment. We now contain the knowledge of how precious and fragile the conch is with the treatment of it in the beginning of the novel. not only as a symbol of democracy, but as a symbol of survival.  The boys respected the conch and used it to set rules and elect positions., but as the story progresses, the boys begin to harshly abuse the conch and eventually destroy it, illustrating the fact that they had destroyed democracy and authority.  Hence, we see the conch is an important symbol of having regulation, democracy and authority in a civilization and without a special system to govern people, humanmankind would deteriorate into wild beast and animals uncivilized and barbaric, just as the stranded schoolboys did.

« Last Edit: January 06, 2008, 12:43:18 AM by Reaper »

Offline lilcrzytimmy

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Re: Lord of the Flies: the conch essay. can someone give feed back
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2008, 12:28:18 PM »
wow, lol, i knew it.  it sounded funny without others to edit.  thanks for the editing.

i would have my friends do it, but they are lazy. lol. thanks a lot.
Sonys: The Foreign 40gb Black* and the red hot slim soon the green slim.  Nintendo: The revolutional White.
Past: A whole mess of american PSP and eventually Japanese imports.

Materialistic, HELL YA. =D
*i just notice the ps3 was foreign, and i bought it in america. O.O

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Re: Lord of the Flies: the conch essay. can someone give feed back
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2008, 02:35:26 PM »
yeah, just the little mistakes, like not putting commas in where they are appropriate and extra unnecessary words.  Other words just didn't fit the topic.

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Re: Lord of the Flies: the conch essay. can someone give feed back
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2008, 06:21:52 PM »
lol my class just read this book about 3 weeks ago

i thought it was pretty good

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Re: Lord of the Flies: the conch essay. can someone give feed back
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2008, 12:57:28 PM »
last year we did soooooooo much on this book, i had to write about 5 essays on it... ~_~

Offline greendragonslim

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Re: Lord of the Flies: the conch essay. can someone give feed back
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2008, 04:58:37 PM »
Piggy!!!! lets have a few in his memory ! :drunk:
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Re: Lord of the Flies: the conch essay. can someone give feed back
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2008, 09:42:28 AM »
Not very long for an essay, thats like 1 Page, all ours have a 4 Page Minimum, Size 14 Font...
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Re: Lord of the Flies: the conch essay. can someone give feed back
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2008, 12:56:22 PM »
Yep same at my school. English is total  :censored: regardless

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