Author Topic: Sound led mod with 2N2222 need help  (Read 1081 times)

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Sound led mod with 2N2222 need help
« on: August 08, 2009, 10:54:04 AM »
Hey guys i havent been around for a while but i want to do a sound reactive mod with a 2N2222.  So I was using Folklord36's tutorial and the way he tells you which lead is which is by showing a pic and saying that it is with the flat side down.  The problem is that the transistors i have are metal and completely round with a little metal tab sticking out on one side.  Now i have one that says its a NPN general purpose ST small signal transistor and a few other ones that say they are NPN Silicon Central Semi Small signal transistors.  So first can I use these and second does anyone know how to distinguish the leads.  I could probably figure out the leads myself but id like to know if anyone has used these kinds before and if i can.  Im kinda in a rush to do this so please reply soon.  Thanks for reading and for any help you can offer.
                                   ryan aka crzywitboy3

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Re: Sound led mod with 2N2222 need help
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2009, 02:12:19 AM »
Hey mate. I've ordered this type of NPN transistor before, however i never got around to using them. I found the exact ones for the tutorial on ebay, plus there very cheap. The only thing you can do is test one out (start with the tab facing up towards you) and see if it works. If not, then go to ebay and buy a 2N2222 set there.

If you have any more questions just ask.


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