well id rather having a working one. was what i meant i never use my ipod . can i see picks of them working and can you list the ocndition like cosmetically wise.
edit: i just read about your one psp thats a no no for me i dont have all that extr stuff probs unless oyud give me something to sweeten the deal i trade for the full psp probs or maybe if you made the deal better for the other one.
Well..Can you be more accurate with what you want to say??
Just to let you know I have a 1) fully working psp ready to use,
and a 2) fully working psp without screen,shoulder buttons and screws( oh and forgot that it miss the rubber conductive things,I'll order some from DX).
I'll post pics into the auctions area if you're more interested.
To give you an idea of how the psp's look :
psp 1 is just with clear faceplate and everything else OEM.
psp 2 is with all clear stuff except the faceplate(black OEM with scratches)
I'll only trade psp 1 with psp 2 if someone wants to trade a psp slim.
For all other trades consider trading only for psp 2.
Also I have a fat DS without screens and a custom black
painted shell(might add a small cat stencil if I have the time)
Adding this to sweeten the deal.
To phenomenal : Will the stuff really sell for that much? I'm not really sure but I'll think about it.