Author Topic: Read This For Info on Painting  (Read 2205 times)


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Read This For Info on Painting
« on: December 16, 2007, 09:27:04 PM »
I see so many threads on "HOA F4R AWAI DO I P41NT?!?!?!1111oneone shiftone"

so i copy/pasted some st00f here....

6 to 8 inches in a steady sweeping motion from left to right

remember to start and end the spray off the edge of the piece, that way you won't have build-up on the edges.  When I'm spraying larger items (car bodies, motorcycle tanks, etc.) I actually pull the gun further away from the item as I go over my edges (especially if I'm only doing a panel or respray).  Go slow and don't over-spray, and you shouldn't have any problems.

put the can in warm water for 5 - 10 mins, warmer spray gives a more even finish.

Smoothness will all depend on the surface you are applying it to.

Prime the area, sand it smooth, prime again, then apply your colour.

Get yourself some wide painters tape, draw out or print off you design, get a sheet of carbon paper, place the wide painters tape onto either A. a piece of glass(an old storm window cleaned up reall good works well), or B. directly onto the piece you are going to paint(use this way only if you are sure you won't cut too deaply and into just the tape and not into the piece).  Make sure the tape is on the surface well, you can use a plastic spoon, place your thumb in the spoon's indent and press the tape down.  Next transfer the design, place the carbon paper and draw your design through to the tape.  Now take your time and cut the design from the tape. If you cut it while the tape was on the glass, move it onto the actual piece, now make sure the edges are down again by rubbing with the spoon.  Now you have your stencil, paint and enjoy.

Take your trusty rag, pour a small amount of paint-thinner, check an inconspicuous spot with it(some plastics have adverse affects to oils, and alcohols), if it doesn't melt the plastic use it to rub the logo off.  Other liquids that can be used:  Mineral spirits, rubbing alcohol, lacquer thinner..  But remember, many stripper compounds leave a residue, so, you must wash the item in hot soapy water before painting, I would suggest using a dish soap, since they are designed to "cut" through oils and grease.

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Re: Read This For Info on Painting
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2008, 01:55:36 AM »
good  :censored: man!  :hifive:


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