Author Topic: Aims of Punishment  (Read 3046 times)


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Aims of Punishment
« on: January 30, 2008, 11:00:59 PM »
Came back for a few posts and to see how you all are doing. Anyways Keep reading.

The following are what I believe to be the aims of punishment;

- To retribute
- To protect
- To deter

By 'to protect,' I was referring to the protection of society from the offender.

I do not agree with the death penalty, and feel a murder can be satisfied with natural life of the offender in prison. In some ways, I agree with the 'an eye for an eye' teaching, in some ways, I don't. Retribution generally satisfies the 'blood thirst' of society, as well as usually the family of the victim(s.)

I do not agree with the reform of an offender. The offender has breached the laws of state, and should be punished for doing so.

Deterrence is certainly not achieved through reformation. If there is no undesirable punishment set for a certain crime, there is 'zilch' chance of deterring a potential criminal. However, punishment through retribution ensures at least a chance of making a potential criminal consider carefully.

What are your personal views on punishment?
What should punishment achieve?
What punishment should be used?
« Last Edit: January 30, 2008, 11:03:40 PM by MuSiK »

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Re: Aims of Punishment
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2008, 03:26:30 AM »
my main view and my main complaint in the UK are

1. life should meen life not 10-20 years, any time given in prison should be served in full.

2. prison in the UK seems more like an extended holiday. they get tv consoles hot showers beds heated quarters and they also get day releases where they are able to buy lottery tickets and go on to win £7 million and they also get paid money whilst in there (i think) and get money to support them when they are released and also get to see family and friend on a regular basis as well as comunal visits.  in my eyes prison should be prison and should be punishment not a holiday camp. its almost a case of your safer in prison than you are on the streets, no one can get in no one can get out and your under 24/7 365 survelance
« Last Edit: January 31, 2008, 03:28:30 AM by robin1989 »

i am not responsible for what i do or my advice

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Re: Aims of Punishment
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2008, 03:44:53 AM »
On the death penalty note i feel that sure death is harsh but say its like on drug dealers in indonesia for example i dont feel any sympathy for them

Because in spreading drugs they are sending lots of people to a slow and painful death in a gutter or in there own shell.

I believe for every situation you believe to be true on any given scenario there will always be a counter scenario that will change your thoughts slightly no matter how set in your beliefs you are. I have a strong set of beliefs but i always believe that they will change someday due to realizing something about it you did not know until experience kicks in.

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Re: Aims of Punishment
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2008, 05:43:25 AM »
my personal views are
1 i knew you wouldn't be able to stay away
2 quit whining whats done is done


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Re: Aims of Punishment
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2008, 06:40:39 AM »
my main view and my main complaint in the UK are

1. life should meen life not 10-20 years, any time given in prison should be served in full.

2. prison in the UK seems more like an extended holiday. they get tv consoles hot showers beds heated quarters and they also get day releases where they are able to buy lottery tickets and go on to win £7 million and they also get paid money whilst in there (i think) and get money to support them when they are released and also get to see family and friend on a regular basis as well as comunal visits.  in my eyes prison should be prison and should be punishment not a holiday camp. its almost a case of your safer in prison than you are on the streets, no one can get in no one can get out and your under 24/7 365 survelance

There is a group called the npd there slogon is ausländer raus meaning not nativ people out, thaey can voted for in the electoin in germany. But you do not see the lifes these people come form or my have to leave to. 1/3 off berlin is turkish origin. There are being punished for human thoughts, wanting a better life for there family, so there are sent to turky russia poland and what over contries there are.

the thing with death pentaly is if i kill some one, and then i get death. but its later thound out that i was not bad and it was not me. what can the goverment do, nothing its to late. as i wright this, iam the only wiht person in the internet café in germany. The rest are all turkish, you saw how bad it was roin

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Re: Aims of Punishment
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2008, 07:10:57 AM »
yeh thats why in america at least there is something called death row and from what i understand they are put on death rom for several years before they get the death penalty to allow for any appeals

i am not responsible for what i do or my advice

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Re: Aims of Punishment
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2008, 08:03:33 AM »
Ooo, This Is What We Are Currently Doing In R.E :)
Erm Can't Remember Much But, Aims Of Punishment Are...
To Protect
Vindication(Or Something Like That)
To Reform

HeHe, R.E FINALLY Came In Useful! :)

Cheers For The Sig Indy! :)


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Re: Aims of Punishment
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2008, 08:27:58 AM »
I think criminals that do something bad should be harshly killed

And the uk prisons are getting full, so what does our stupid government do? he lets them all free, jackass....

just kill them all to make space ffs

but then i hear that the death penalty for one person costs £10,000, if thats true, why? just kick them off a cliff, that costs like £3 (only pay for the drive up there)

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Re: Aims of Punishment
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2008, 01:05:28 PM »
I think criminals that do something bad should be harshly killed

And the uk prisons are getting full, so what does our stupid government do? he lets them all free, jackass....

just kill them all to make space ffs

but then i hear that the death penalty for one person costs £10,000, if thats true, why? just kick them off a cliff, that costs like £3 (only pay for the drive up there)
Ice Cream Scoop, Very Effective...
I Think That People Should Have A Punishment Equal To What They Have Done, An Eye For An Eye, Leg For Leg, Tooth For Tooth...
Say If A Person Murdered Another Person, He Should Therefore Suffer The Same As His Victim, To Be Killed.
If Someone Steals Your Car, They Should Give You The Exact Same Car, Or Pay You Equal Or Greater Than The Worth Of The Car Stolen From You.
If Someone Tortures Someone Else, They Should Be Tortured.

Cheers For The Sig Indy! :)

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Re: Aims of Punishment
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2008, 01:28:17 PM »
ok the death penalty

ok im all for it
but tehre should be some.... "reqirements"
1. rape and shes dead - kill the fool

here ya know what i think it should be liek this

how ever grewsome taht persons death was
urs should be the same amount of pain if not worse
 heres a ex:
if she was hurt realy bad liek arm cut off but tehn stitched back up so she lives for more pain
ect ect ect

(cause there are some sick   :censored:  :censored:  :censored: :censored:  :censored:'s out there)

i think they should put that guy in a radiation cell and just let him feel the pain
an eye for n' eye
now if her pain was quike and very humane

he should be humainly killed
maby the needle that we do here in texas
heres what else i belive

but of course theres gonna be people who r gonna call me a mad and bad person
but there are always gonna be thick headed ppl with bad judgement so yea

hell i could have bad judgment to others

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Re: Aims of Punishment
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2008, 02:02:09 PM »
Wow, if UK prisons are like that, i might have to go rob a store so i can go there (jk), but seriously why don't they make UK prisons less luxurious and make em like American prisons. Personally I don't believe in the death penalty, but if a person commits a very harsh crime they should be faced with life in prison, no opportunities for parole and they can't be bailed out. That's usually the case these days though. 


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