Author Topic: Ok got a problem!!!!!!!!  (Read 1811 times)

Offline Luke

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Ok got a problem!!!!!!!!
« on: February 12, 2008, 06:28:58 PM »
im taking apart my psp phat and im up to the last screw to remove the face plate and friken stripped so i cant remove it??? what should i do its the screw at the back the right bottom screw i ussually put glue on but mi mum wont let me use the glue coz last time i did i got super glue on my hands and had to go to hospital =[ but i do got a dremel

Offline j.s2ghetto

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Re: Ok got a problem!!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2008, 06:30:20 PM »
superglue on screwdriver and really fast into the screw let dry than unscrew

thank u P3nnywise for the sig
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Offline bugerboii

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Re: Ok got a problem!!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2008, 07:27:09 PM »
 :clap: good idea :hifive:          ure  :taunt: the man   bahaha  :huh:    im just playin lol  :huh:
well alrighty am going to bed  :drunk:     but ure still number 1   :#1:

Offline GhoSt

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Re: Ok got a problem!!!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2008, 08:47:04 PM »
hahaha everyone superglued themselfs b4, great.
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Offline nez

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Re: Ok got a problem!!!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2008, 10:01:34 PM »
lol reminds me when i used gurila glue to fix the window screens for my parents.
i had so much glue my fingers stuck together we tied every thing vinegar, oil, paint thiner, denatured alcohol, soap, bleach, ammonia, you name it we tried all it did was spread it further down to my arms. it was so sticky too. i had to just scrub my hand and arms for 6 hours to get mos of it off then wrap my hand in paper tolwls. took about a week to fully come off.

but yea just use a screw driver or use the dermal ti cut a slit to use a flat head or philips. that would be the best beat make sure it is cut deep enough not to stripe and not too deep you split the screw. iv done a few times not hard just timely.   

Offline Electro

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Re: Ok got a problem!!!!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2008, 10:03:50 PM »
im taking apart my psp phat and im up to the last screw to remove the face plate and friken stripped so i cant remove it??? what should i do its the screw at the back the right bottom screw i ussually put glue on but mi mum wont let me use the glue coz last time i did i got super glue on my hands and had to go to hospital =[ but i do got a dremel

I misread this sorry, I thought U were saying the part of the faceplate got striped like a chunk of the plastic where the screw goes.

But this does work, just not for what U need.

Don't use any glue.

The best thing U can do is get some plastic U don't need, I suggest using a clear push pin.

1. Get some pliers a small drill and a lighter, hold the pin with the pliers on the metal part.
2. Hold it over the faceplate where the hole is broken and melt the plastic right into it.
3. Then drill a small hole smaller then the screw.
4. Put your screws pack in.


I've done this to my PSP works great. ;)
« Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 10:09:57 PM by Electro »

Offline dennisrr

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Re: Ok got a problem!!!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2008, 01:52:29 AM »

I misread this sorry, I thought U were saying the part of the faceplate got striped like a chunk of the plastic where the screw goes.

But this does work, just not for what U need.

Don't use any glue.

The best thing U can do is get some plastic U don't need, I suggest using a clear push pin.

1. Get some pliers a small drill and a lighter, hold the pin with the pliers on the metal part.
2. Hold it over the faceplate where the hole is broken and melt the plastic right into it.
3. Then drill a small hole smaller then the screw.
4. Put your screws pack in.


I've done this to my PSP works great. ;)

Nice. I might need to try that soon.
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