Author Topic: My 2nd list of DS ideas since most of the ones in list 1 dint work/sucked :D  (Read 2138 times)

Offline seikene

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Basically, I made a topic like months ago on a good number of ds mod ideas. After some replies, I noticed that only a few were really possible. I think I did about 0-2 outta the list. Now I've thought on some brand new ideas since I got my clear casing and my ds top screen is broken, so I'm using my ds mobo as a tester for these mods.

Here are some of my new ideas:

-Basically, I wanted to find out if there are anymore pins I can use on the GBA slot or slot holder. I wanna try modding my ds so that my green light, orange light, and red light are shown on my GBA.

-I want to find out if there is a way to protect your ds from robbers by making some sort of charging station, where a part of the power will be distributed on wires surrounding the DS, I'll think of a key and lock system latah :P (Thanks to indy for reminding of this idea that just got lost in my mind XD)

-Rewire all of my power LEDS to the ABXY buttons, in a way that will still allow you to press the buttons and function with them as before. I was thinking of placing the green (actually replaced with blue) on Y, charging YELLOW LED instead of orange on X, red one on A, and probably find a multicolored LED for B just to make it look good, or else a white one will do.

-Be able to scratch out the inside of the phat ds's nintendo sticker on the top shell, and place a white led in it. Inspiration for thinking about it goes to that guy who modded his phat to have n64 style theme, I salute you! :D

- Find out if you can do the seperate, dettachable, analog stick on the ds? Although it'll probably serve little purpose, putting it in for the D-pad or even the face buttons would'nt be bad if you wanna show off :D

-Use a different material then hotglue for my LEDs whenever I want to place them on ANYTHING. Apparently, they melt the hot glue after like 3 minutes with the LED on. If anyone has an idea or some item, like some miniture frosted dome that can hold the LED in there, I'd be happy :D

-Mod my dust covers to power different items: LEDS, Mini fans, mini motors, etc. I thought about a fan in the slot, mainly used on the ds lite to actually show it, or else on the phat, hopefully it'll cool it off XD

-Find ANY way to amp my speakers in both the phat and lite. Although pretty good sound quality, I use the lite more and it's sound volume sucks, and there's one game in which I NEED SOUND to beat the levels (thats right EBA, or else Quedan 1 and 2 if I want to enjoy the final song, Ready, steady go, the FMA theme song! :D)

- Find out if I can use a parallax boe bot pic chip in order to program something and have it set in the DS? I'll send pictures, it's ment to hook up to a mobo, with servos and a small breadboard. You can make it emit noises, walk, enable different components on the breadboard, complete simple tasks like recognizing a bridge through it's color or through sensors and lift a lever to bring it down ;D

Well for now, thats my lastest list. I'm thinking to start on all the LEDS mods but the last mod is one that I would truly like confirmed or at least answered. Anyway thanks for reading.
Proud to be a: -Yugioh Player -ITG/DDR/PIU Player -Furry Fanatic - Knife Thrower -All around awesome guy :D

Offline kink192

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nice list, and i think the slot 2 fan idea is a pretty good one, maybe make it internal put a vent on there. the leds in slot 2 are possible ive done it before but the last one seems a bit outa hand
It's been a long time

Offline seikene

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I was thinking on an internal but the lite is just a sandwich, so it's close to impossible. The phat tho, mabey, thing is I want to show it off.
Proud to be a: -Yugioh Player -ITG/DDR/PIU Player -Furry Fanatic - Knife Thrower -All around awesome guy :D


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