Author Topic: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)  (Read 28020 times)

Offline cobain93

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2008, 04:35:15 PM »
wow.... your parents still have issues.... you should like wright a book when your older about all this crap and name it "a million little peices"  :tup: lol......

Offline lookkool3

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #31 on: March 24, 2008, 10:31:20 PM »
wow.... your parents still have issues.... you should like wright a book when your older about all this crap and name it "a million little peices"  :tup: lol......
lol thats a good idea but i think it might be a really short book

Offline cobain93

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #32 on: March 26, 2008, 04:37:43 PM »
lol you get the joke tho right??? the joke is that "a million little peices" is a real book that was a lie.... lol im not saying your lieing but imma lil skepticall....

Offline lookkool3

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #33 on: March 29, 2008, 04:10:58 PM »
lol you get the joke tho right??? the joke is that "a million little peices" is a real book that was a lie.... lol im not saying your lieing but imma lil skepticall....

i get it now  :rofl: ... i dont blame you for thinking that i was lieing it was just such a long time ago that the details are kinda sketching but watever the past is the past i rather just forget about it

btw i think this fourm is almost dead

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #34 on: March 29, 2008, 05:56:11 PM »
Seems you dont need a metal PSP, just a social services person for your parents.
Retired Modder, minor dabbling from now on :P

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #35 on: March 29, 2008, 10:32:28 PM »
lol true.

Man i would just keep my mouth closed and do what they say. who knows what will be next to break. :x:.
and like with the shower issue i would have walked out how i was when your dad sayed lets go.

man you should make a cast your face plate using um that pudy stuff that hardens then get  thin piece of metal or a pan and cut out the bottom or the side. believe me it is good to use. just use a pan your mom doesn't use.
 i had to mold a cover for a chain for my goatcart so i used a pan my mom never used that thing held up with all the curb sliding bolder hitting abuse and was still in good shape. plus it was shinny. if it can hold up to hitting a bolder at 45 + mph then it can handle a hammer. it is also easy to bend with your fingers and a hammer and pliers. cut wood to the shape of the face plate curves or take the puddy mold and pore concrete over it to make a mold where you smash the hammer on the metal down to the inlayed mold in the concrete block. and you will get the face plate it works just heat up the metal with a burner to make it easier to mold and hit in rhythm it helps the metal shape faster and cleaner plus helps on the stress on your arms. Learn the rhythm of the metal don't hit on the back wave it is like hitting concrete.

If you do the wood make a cut of the angles and use the piece you cut out that is shaped like a wedge wrap it up in tape duck tape with paper towel on top then duck tape to stop the wood from splitting and hit the wedge on the metal to the shape you cut out and it should go right in place.

any way you do it you may have four corners with a little gap put solder had heat it up then file it to match.

it is not hard just time consuming.

i have done a lot with metal and pans 

Offline lookkool3

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #36 on: April 01, 2008, 10:32:23 AM »
wow i think your the only person that actually knows how to do this  :hifive:

i kinda get what your saying but i got a few questions  :dntknw:

- what kind of metal should i use to melt in the pan
- are you talking about the pudy that was on T.V. and when you squish it together it activates and later drys up and gets really hard
- what do you mean hit it with the hammer but dont hit on the back wave
- are you saying melt the pan or use the pan to hold the melting metal

other then those few things i dont get i think i can do this :tup:

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #37 on: April 01, 2008, 10:20:56 PM »
Well use the pan metal not melt the metal in the pan. cant be done. metal has to get so hot that i reqoirs you go have a huge burner or a special contraption that pump out 1000 or so degrees is so hot you use soda the charcoal. but the pan is already heated chromed and is easily bendable by hand and hammer.
cut up the pan
cut wood to the shape of the angles
use the wed of the wood cuts put paper tolls on the top then wrap all in duck tap
use wedge to bend metal in to the wood you cut
heat wood as much as you can to make easier to bend
 hit with hammer in a rythym, clan ..clank..clank.keep even beat pattern. (if you stray you can make your wrist hurt and not much effect to bending shaping mettle)
Think sound wave a solid wave is better then a mixed wave.

sheat metal will work too if you dont want to cut your moms pan up.

the mettle that you can melt is to brittle. so you need to work with sheat metal and do the old fashion way of beat and smash to shape. get newspaper to to hold the hot metal.

if you want to make the concrete mold then you just need puddly play do that is used for art. it needs to get hard to make the shape of the face plate .
bucket to port concrete in
place mold of face plate with hanger through the top so you can pull it out latter in concrete on bucket.
let dry then remove the plaster puddy mold.
place metal (pan or sheet metal) on top of concrete.
get a piece of wood or something taped to hit down on metal to fit in mold
then hit away you may have to do some cuts to make some bends corner's more likely.
and bent a little by hand and foot.
get a stack of news paper to hit down on when you are making some bends with out the mold or wood. it kinda shapes to how you are hitting.

I use metal working tools like a special hammers that have diff bends angls on the head to shape the metal and steel hand molds of angles to beat in to.(so the wood that you tape very tight and thick will do the same thing.)

They were used wen my grand father restored model T cars and classics..
great for metal fabrication.

so use force safety brains and determination.

it is not hard to do just get to it.

make the wood molds soke  in water to swell it and strengthened  it. If you do study you will find that soildrs that used wood shealds put them in water to give strength. then wrap in duck tape to hold it to gather very tighly and thick. cheaper then leather. you could do is make a leather pillow filled with paper lots of paper . used to shape.

note the top and bottom angles are the sam.indents were the trigers ans power are. one mold for all four indents one for the top  and one for the botton curve then one for the left and rith side..

to get the metal to bend at the triger and power cut two cuts on both side wide because it will shrink or bend  then cut the crease.or to make it stronger and to protect the trigers do the top trim sold across hidding the trigers and fold metal back to the back side. to finish it.

Oh a little not the top tabs will need to be longer then the botton to go the depth of the top and go don the back make very long you can cut to size after all bent.
it will not effect you playing your fingers push the back side of the trigers most of the time and donrt touch the front..
battery cover is the easy est to do umd dore harder tight curves. screw driver tip to shape the metal around .
well good luck have fun doing it need help just ask.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2008, 10:25:10 PM by gameking21 »

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #38 on: May 05, 2008, 08:21:27 PM »
says it's a platinum replacement case. looks like it could be metal. hard to say though.

Offline ApheX

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #39 on: May 06, 2008, 05:21:19 AM »
i think thats a normal faceplate.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2008, 12:43:02 AM by Aphex85 »


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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #40 on: May 06, 2008, 05:36:51 AM »
Dude, Get Social Services on their ass, If your mum went all the way to smashing both your Xbox's then I think she'll find some way to smash your new PSP too, even if it is in a bulletproof Safe. Or you could ask you Mum to have a talk about what she's doing

Offline Cautionhead

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #41 on: May 07, 2008, 09:17:01 PM »
I'm being serious, you need to call a Social Service officer or talk to your school consoler! This isn't just some thing you can brush off, your parents have sever anger issues. You're not going to however, because you just don't have the guts/scared. At least thats what I'm getting from your posts. Also, it's illegal for your parents to break things that you have bought with your own money or what has been given to you. I know from experience... seriously, if you're not going to tell your school counselor whats been happening, contemplate getting some help if this happens again.


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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #42 on: May 07, 2008, 11:55:00 PM »
like everyone said we are not taking this litely this is very serious. There is one pet peav of mine and that is abuse taken lightly. their are many forms of it all just as equaly bad. go and get help dont stay in the situation it wiil only harm you. dont be afraid nothing will happen to you it will only help you. you dont deserve this type of treatment you are worthy of much better. get some balls, take your bullocks by the horns do something. i will say this again nothing will happen to you.

Offline ApheX

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #43 on: May 08, 2008, 12:35:14 AM »
Not to jump on the band wagon on nothink, but these guy are right. no one should put up with thast sort of  :censored:! how do you think it will affect you later if all you have to deal with is phsyco people like that. you need you get help, or at least speak to someone you trust about this.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2008, 12:42:20 AM by Aphex85 »

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #44 on: May 09, 2008, 08:12:10 AM »
wow dude you folks sound like winners.but anyway have you concidered makeing your own  faceplate out of epoxy?

Offline ApheX

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #45 on: May 09, 2008, 11:43:53 AM »
wow dude you folks sound like winners.but anyway have you concidered makeing your own  faceplate out of epoxy?

Never tried it. not sure if i have the skill to pull that off, lol! end up with some frankinstine faceplate that no one loves and fears.

Offline lookkool3

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #46 on: June 25, 2008, 10:13:36 PM »
wow i haven't look at this thread in a long time

hey gameking, i'm not so sure i can get a fire to burn at 1000 degrees

and tripsalot what's epoxy?

and you people that say i should do something about my parents do you got any better ideas that dont involve another person? cause laws wont stop them and "talking to someone i trust might not really change much either

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #47 on: June 26, 2008, 10:00:27 AM »
Why the hell wouldn't u want the law to help you? It's not like you can pull an AK-47 out your ass and kill them. Either that or run away from home and never come back....

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #48 on: June 27, 2008, 12:58:43 PM »
Yeah dood I moved from my parents in MA to live in CT with my boss from work when I was 16
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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #49 on: June 27, 2008, 03:20:19 PM »
Hmm, i think my dad might be able to do this as he is very good at cutting things to size, heck he made a small trailer for our 3 ATV's just by using materials and welding and cutting, he has no machines that create shapes but he can use grinders and stuff as well as welding to do but it won't come out perfect, though he is very good at it and should be able to do a good job.

so what i was thinking, making a case for the psp, which will be quite easy as the slim doesn't have any lumps on the backplate, the only things that will be left open to keep use are the UMD door, triggers, buttons, analog, homebar buttons, ect...

 if you think about it on how this will all come out, think of it like this, your adding armor to the PSP, to hold the damn thing in place would be a problem if the metal shaping isn't exactly the same as this can damage as well when its in there. Or you  if you don't care much about the case anymore, you can just use the best glue out their to add this "armor" to your PSP, look for it at the home depot or any other places that you can think of that sells glue, it's called Gorilla Glue, this is more than likely stronger than crazy glue (has a warning and caution add on the bottle, trust me you don't wanna get this stuff on you as it makes your skin dry and makes it hard to peel of the skin as well), but that is the only way to keep your PSP intact without much $$$$

and about your parents, same thing for me, my parents aren't that bad but can get as agressive s yours, my dad threatened to shatter both my 2 PSP's and my Xbox 360 if i kept playing more than 5 or so hours a day, whatever your parents say u must do, but if it gets out of hand, ur best bet is to live with some of your other family members, or just put up with the sh*t they gave you like i do.

hope it gets better  :tup:

the only thing left that would be damagable would be the screen, but if u weren't gonna open the PSP would be very easy, but i know u still wuld want that.

so we drill holes for all the

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #50 on: June 27, 2008, 09:55:36 PM »
The worst punishment my parents have ever given me for playing to much video games in a suspension from them... Damn that sucks though, it's like withdrawl from drugs when you're that addicted.

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #51 on: June 30, 2008, 11:41:40 AM »
i guess the metal face plate is a little out there but it doesn't really matter because both my slim and phat PSPs are both broken i was trying the LED mod and mest up my slim and my friend droped it and yea well my phat needs new mobo
both are for sale

pm for details

i just bought a 360 and i was thinking of putting it inside the big screen TV cause it's not a flat screen i can open it up and stick the 360 in there and if my mom gets mad at me for playing she'll have to calm down take off the screws from the tv to get to the  xbox or she could smash up the entire TV which im pretty sure she wont :tup:

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #52 on: July 01, 2008, 08:57:00 AM »
wow..guys i have never been punished for playing too much video games i bought my psp slim (star wars package) the day it came out (didnt even go to school so i could get it before sold out)i bought it with my own money but my dad has never gotten mad at me for playing it too much or smtin like that.but seriously dude you got some crazy parents. no person in there right mind would smash smtin like that.not because its a glorious incredable peice of hardware but just cuz it cost like a easy $200.00-$250.00 and if they bought it for you i cant understand why they would break it.and with all you guys telling him to tell the school pysch that prolly wont work cuz they are not doing anything wrong.(in a leagal sence) all parents have the right to hit there kids with a open hand.(the right to maintain disiplain in the home)they can break all the stuff they want none of witch is illegal.if this even did go to court the judge prolly would not really think of this like you guys do because most adults dont like video games anyway let alone the whole concept of them....but yea i would appreaciate checking out my other post and adding any thoughts you might help me give me a break..

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #53 on: July 04, 2008, 02:42:51 PM »
it's a miracle...i was playing the 360 and my mom saw me playing and she didn't get mad or anything she was just looking at me like hmm and then she walked away and my dads about to get me a ps3 and my sisters are geting ps3's too

it's like all of a sudden my life dosen't suck anymore :victory:

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #54 on: July 05, 2008, 11:23:18 AM »
hmm... how about aircraft-grade aluminum?
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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #55 on: July 09, 2008, 12:41:16 AM »
wow, they smash your stuff and you haven't beat the living  :censored: out of them?!
you a pacifist? cause it doesn't seem like thats working for you too well...

anyway, if you want to (legally) do something about it, set up hidden cameras(WITH AUDIO!) in your house all routed to a central computer that records everything, then when you have at least 3 incidents, call the authorities (apparently social services)

btw you need to have the computer constantly recording new video and deleting video thats over a week or so old and every time there is an incident, remember what time it happened, then save that clip of video elsewhere the next time you can (before it gets deleted by your comp)

its a pretty hard set up, but if you've got about an hour to yourself in the house, you should be able to do it
i did it and its come in quite handy (not for anything like you've gone through though)

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Re: metal faceplate?? (psp slim)
« Reply #56 on: July 15, 2008, 10:03:03 PM »
sounds good just tell where can i get some cameras like that i might need a big set i have a pretty big house


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