Author Topic: Slim Analogue Stick with Replaceable tops?  (Read 1396 times)

Offline jotekman

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Slim Analogue Stick with Replaceable tops?
« on: February 28, 2008, 09:13:07 PM »
Hi all.  First off, sorry if I am asking something which has been covered... I searched but did not find, so here goes.
I have been inside the Fat and Slim, and on the Fat, the top of the analogue stick is replaceable, and I have some different tops for it.
When I got my Slim, I was fairly unhappy to find that the tops could not be changed out.  Then, after taking it apart, I found that the basic design for the stick was the same, it was only the top of the stick which pops onto it has a lip which goes under the faceplace which prevents it from being taken out.  Well, I removed that and after was easily able to put on a replaceable top for it.
The problem came in that the stick began to drift and slightly stick around the sides, and generally didnt work all that well.
The question is this:  Has anyone sucessfully modded the stick so that a replaceable top can be put on it for the slim?  And had no loss of functionality afterwards?
Thanks in advance, and any advice would be welcome.....

Also, I know the screw in places are different, but has anyone taken the top from a fat replacement stick and put it on the slim stick casing?  perhaps that would work?


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