Author Topic: SDHC -> pro duo mod & double expand converter troubles  (Read 3043 times)

Offline decoycatfish

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SDHC -> pro duo mod & double expand converter troubles
« on: February 27, 2008, 10:49:14 PM »
Ok so here's the deal, I purchased a Double Expand sd -> ms converter for my slim psp, and to use with it I have a 2GB sd card.  Only when I put the converter in the ms slot and then turn the psp on it doesnt work. As in when i try to format the sd card I get "no card inserted" or something like that.  However, the little memory stick LED blinks all the while that this is going on.

So, I figured that maybe the double expand converter only works on the fat PSPs, so I went down to my local gamestop and had my friend try out the converter on one of the used fat PSPs they had in stock.  Didn't work there either. Same problem.

At this point I figured it was probably just defective and I was boned. But then I saw this mod:

So I bought the parts needed for it, soldered everything carefully together, checked my connections with a multimeter..everything looks good.  Plug it in, same problem.  The little memory stick LED blinks like crazy, but nothing is detected by the PSP.

So now I think that maybe its a problem with the format of the SD card, so I try formatting it in FAT, and FAT32. Neither have any effect.

Additional info:
Currently using 3.90 m33
My 1GB SanDisk Memory Stick PRO Duo (which is formatted in FAT) does indeed work just fine in the PSP (So there probably isnt anything wrong with the actual memory stick reader in the PSP).
I've also tried a 32MB SD card in the double expand converter.
I've also tried a 4GB SDHC card in the little converter card I soldered.
Same thing happens with 32MB SD card, and the 4GB SDHC card - lots of blinking on the memory stick LED, but nothing is detected by the PSP when I try to format the "memory stick"

Has anyone had any similar problems?

Ideas? Solutions? Pity?

I'll take any input at this point.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2008, 10:05:54 AM by decoycatfish »

Offline bugerboii

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Re: SDHC -> pro duo mod & double expand converter troubles
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2008, 08:14:39 PM »
..i think you screwed up the memstick might have screwed up on soldering..

Offline decoycatfish

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Re: SDHC -> pro duo mod & double expand converter troubles
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2008, 08:57:27 AM »
I thought that might be the case, but then that doesn't explain why the Double Memory Expand Converter thing doesn't work.

Offline ryan0

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Re: SDHC -> pro duo mod & double expand converter troubles
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2008, 10:56:38 AM »
dont u have to put 2 sd's into that thing?it doesnt work if you only put in one

Offline decoycatfish

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Re: SDHC -> pro duo mod & double expand converter troubles
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2008, 06:29:23 PM »
From what I read you do not need to have 2 sd cards in the double expand for it to work, you just need to have them in the right slot.  I've tried both slots, I have also tried 2 sd cards at the same time...still the same effect - however, I have not tried 2 sd cards of the same size and maker as I don't have 2 of the same size.  If anyone has had any experience with the double expand and the slim psp, please let me know!

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Re: SDHC -> pro duo mod & double expand converter troubles
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2008, 12:41:15 PM »
you probaly burnt out one of the components or sumfing when soldering :cry2:
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Offline decoycatfish

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Re: SDHC -> pro duo mod & double expand converter troubles
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2008, 07:55:03 PM »
you probaly burnt out one of the components or sumfing when soldering :cry2:

I halfway expect that's what I did  :boxed:  That's the only thing I can think of really. Well I ordered another microSD -> pro duo adapter, trancend brand rather than completely no-name this time.  Maybe I'll have better luck with this set?

Offline decoycatfish

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« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2008, 11:54:14 AM »

Well it worked! I received the new microSD -> pro duo adapter, then I soldered a ribbon on it and wammo! It does work! So it wasn't that I had a slim, just either A: I fried something while working on the last one, B: I missed a connection somewhere, or C: The old adapter was defective.  Or I guess any combination of the three.  Anyways It worked, and I also managed to internalize it.  Because i didn't use a very long ribbon, and i didn't want to re-solder the damn thing I went ahead and stripped out the UMD bay to make a spot for the SD card...its not like I ever used the UMD bay anyways.


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