Yea, I have an old PSX and I figured I'd do something with it, so I wanted to do something simple. I'm going to attach it to my desk.
However, in doing this I've ran into a single problem: I can't get the sponge-like plastic... supports? That hold up the lazer/disk mount to attach to the metal parts below them. Sodering didn't work (The plastic resisted 1040*f!, and then wouldn't attach to the soder) nor hot glue. Just wondering.
The reason behind this is that I have two places to mount the drive/mobo combination, one is sideways, the other is upside down. So, having the lazer and disk mount fall off mid play isn't such a good idea.
Thanks for the help - I didn't know if this would go here or retro game systems.
Is the PSX considered a retro system yet?