Author Topic: Terrible fat psp problem  (Read 996 times)

Offline stankbot

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Terrible fat psp problem
« on: April 03, 2008, 01:54:37 PM »
So, I thought I wanted the sweet l2 and r2 buttons on the psp from electro's tutorial, since I put the sdhc card in the psp.  The problem is, first, when there is nothing attached to the analog nub, the cursor still moves to the bottom right of the screen without the nub attached, is that a short? second, the third tab actaully fell of the mobo...any ideas?

Ok,so I might have bridged where the missing contact is...but now, all it does when i have it open and turned on, the curser looks like it is bobbing in a little circle and goes from the top left of the screen to the bottom right, bobs around some more and moves back to the top left.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2008, 02:33:20 PM by stankbot »

Offline Blizzrad

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Re: Terrible fat psp problem
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2008, 03:40:42 PM »
As I recall, it is normal for the cursor to move to the corner when there is no analog nub or connection between any of the four contact pads on the mobo, bobbing and moving in circles however does not sound normal. If you have a multimeter, try checking the four analog nub contact pads on the mobo to make sure there is no bridging between them.

If one of the contact pads has come detached from the mobo you can solder it back into place. To do this, hold the pad in place with tweezers and heat the pad briefly with a clean iron tip. It is important that you remove all solder from the end of your iron tip so there is no solder transfered to the top of the pad. The heat from the iron should re-flow the solder underneath the pad and fuse it back down to the board. 

Offline stankbot

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Re: Terrible fat psp problem
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2008, 07:45:33 AM »
Awesome, i lost my little pad, but I made a little solder bridge and it works beautifully!  Thanks for clearing up the nubless cursor direction also! 


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