Author Topic: DEV team wanted to work on L²QE-D² and other mods  (Read 1207 times)

Offline SYSTEM aka (Cyberpyrot)

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DEV team wanted to work on L²QE-D² and other mods
« on: March 16, 2008, 07:30:32 AM »
WE are looking for sesoned AM vets who want to work with me and LordNico on new projects using PIC Microcontroller. this area will be very exciting and you will be allowed privledged info. We are going to push the limits of the modding world and become number one in all areas. You will help us develope new boards like


Sound Rumble

And many More we have at our disposal and arsonal of companies willing to help in our world dom..errr modding sucess. If you are interested in joining it will cost you. you will need to buy a Pic Programmer from this model number The reason for this is I want everyone to use the same programmer so there are no issues with people trading code and getting it to work we will all be on the same page. You know we "AM" are always ahead in the modding comunity and working on our new projects you will be exposed to some stuff you never seen before so we expect to have all secrets kept!! You will need to have some PIC's as well right now we are un sure to wich we will use as we nee to match the clock speed to another chip I cannot devulge at this time.

Please if you are interested let me of Nico know.

Side Note : People if you cant afford the pic programmer there is no reason for you to feel left out all our code we develope will be open sorce and available for download here. You may edit it and build on it if you like as long as the sorce has the AM copywrites and logo intact.

Those of you who are a part of the team and have purchased the programmer from john at can set up a "Chip Flash Shop" on AM and provide flashed chips for the members who do not have the chip programmer but want to have the chip for there console. the new factory will be here
« Last Edit: March 16, 2008, 07:53:29 AM by Cyberpyrot »

Offline gr8npwrfl

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Re: DEV team wanted to work on L²QE-D² and other mods
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2008, 08:30:27 PM »
I would be interested in working with others on projects.

I am working on one now that will allow up to 4 memory sticks to be used in the unit.

One is the original slot and three more in a modified left rear cover. I am working on interfacing the pic to the m33 vsh menu to select the active stick. I just ordered a bunch more of the sockets so I can build three prototypes to make sure there are no timing issues.

BTW, I have both a computer science degree and an electronic engineering degree. I also have a full lab with logic analyzers, scopes, microscopes and ir surface mount soldering machines.

I have three different pic development systems and have built things as complex as servo motor speed controllers with these devices.


« Last Edit: March 23, 2008, 08:39:04 PM by gr8npwrfl »


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