Ok today is the best day of my life EVER !!!!!!
I got to went for a tour of Ensemble Studios, the make of age of empire. Today it was amazing, hi-tech, cool lighting, 2 full size kitchen packed with food, a major game room with ping-pong 360 computers arcade, 2 test area. I mean that place is like heaven for any gamer. And whats really cool is that at this very moment they're working on halo wars and I gotta tell you the graphics looks great!! They got all these pictures on the wall for inspiration. A life-size master chief was cool too

What was really cool but sad was Titan which was supposed to be an MMORPG like halo, with halo characters, universe and everything else. Jeff the guy that runs ensemble studios said that Titan got cut because it was going to cost 100 million to make and so Microsoft cut their loses after 3 years and 10 million dollars. So to put it short, THAT PLACE IS TOTALLY WICKED!!!!! And guess what I was only one not belonging to a family member that ever got to visit the place. All thanks to my mom's client who is Jeff's neighbor and invited me

( cause I'm lovable >_>) All in all, this day fully helped me decided on my future. One day thats gonna be me. Wish I could take pics but camera is broken and pics aren't allowed anyway. Oh, and hush hush on the titan ._.