Author Topic: Bricked?  (Read 1439 times)

Offline ultimaarashi

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« on: April 01, 2008, 10:08:50 AM »
Well, Mattzani set me his motherboard (YAY!) and I got it installed. Turns on fine, but it doesn't load the XMB bar. Would using a Pandoras and MMS fix this? Also, the only pandoras that I have is a phat (This is a slim, obviously) and while I'm told that they work, last time I think it had something to do with a short in my mobo. So, I'm really asking, DOES it actually work?


Ok, I fixed the XMB not loading thing, and it turns out that it was CFW3.80, which is why there was no recovery menu. Still wondering about the battery though.

EDIT: I pandora'd it and got it to 3.71MM3. However, for some reason unless you turn off the power at JUST the right moment, and then re-set it, it will not load the XMB. I've tried loading with a game in, without, with the door open, with a game in and door open, without the reader even plugged in, and I still can't figure this out. Man, why does everything always go wrong when it comes to electronics and myself?

Great, now my enter button doesn't even work on my keyboard :/
« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 05:35:43 AM by ultimaarashi »

Offline GD360

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Re: Bricked?
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2008, 04:50:52 AM »
i had the same problem , and i managed to fix it . here is what i did.

its a slim right so :

1)re-flash it to the 3.71 m33- any
2)try it now it should not work. if it does then check everything out

3)if it doesnt work then take out the battery and place in the normal battery
   hold the R-trigger to go to the recovery menu
4)change the kernel to 1.50
5)turn it off and try booting now if it still doesnt work
   go back to the recovery menu and change the kernel back to 3.71 now try again with the reboot with 3.71 on
6) if it still doesnt work try re-flashing again with the 3.71 kernel on
7)last chance , if it still doesnt work , try re-flashing with the 1.50 kernel on.

hope it works out 4 ya.
 good luck.

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Re: Bricked?
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2008, 05:03:55 AM »
try 3.90 m33-3

i am not responsible for what i do or my advice

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Offline ultimaarashi

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Re: Bricked?
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2008, 02:10:41 PM »
Found out the problem: Bad UMD drive.
Whenever the UMD drive doesn't spin up on startup, nothing works.
I'm getting a new one from Matt soon.


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