Author Topic: PSP can't power up with DC power adapter HELP!  (Read 948 times)

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PSP can't power up with DC power adapter HELP!
« on: April 04, 2008, 09:21:53 PM »
i've made a stupid mistake today
so i need a solution and some pictures to ensure which part are relate to this

my PSP is Phat one

My problem is:-
-i can't charging using the PSP DC power adapter
-can't power up using the PSP DC power adapter

Current conditions:-
-Still switch on if battery still have power left
-Now left only 3% power....

My question:-
-is it cause of the circuit in side has short...?

How i made this stupid crisis...:-
-I trying to think that centralized ALL the power adapter that using DC 5V and DC12V,using a PC power supply,a very normal china made power supply,not even have a popular name.
-i have a cable that is already "plugged" off from my "USB to PSP(data & power)" cable--->rename and nick it "cable A"
-i link up the the cable,but cause of the cable colour on the "cable A" are only white and red,not Black and Red.
-So Crisis is started at here,for directly test with the PSP and try to charge up,so first thinking could be i link the wrong way,so reverse it try again,but it seems also a dead end to me....

SO,i need help preciously,many thanks

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Re: PSP can't power up with DC power adapter HELP!
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2008, 01:25:27 PM »
try testing the cable with a multimetre if there is something about 5.somfing volts that i gud to go. Then it must be a problem with your psp open it up make sure the power cable is pluged into the the socket. If all is fine then do the USB charge mod and turn your ac adapter into a usb charger :tup:
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