well i just came back from buying the etching kit from radioshack but i dont know which bottle to use in step 3 and 4
Step Three: ETCH
*take the ETCH solution and put it into a dish (only half of the bottle)
*put the PCB in facedown with the design into the solution
*let it stay there for 15-20 min
*take it out
*pour water (take a empty gallon of milk and put water in it) and slowly pour water over the PCB so that the chemical will get off
Step Four: Solution
*take the other bottle labelled SOLUTION and put it into another dish (only put alittle bit) and put the pcb in face down
*turn it around after a minute and take a sponge and scrub at the black ink and it should come off revealing copper underneath
*pour water over the pcb as like before with the ETCH and you're done!
i got these 2 bottles from radio shack pc kit
resist ink solvent
pcb etchant
which one do i use for step 3 and which one do i use for step 4?
one more question do i really have to print the razors witha laser printer?