Author Topic: help with sound led mod  (Read 1334 times)

Offline nez

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help with sound led mod
« on: April 20, 2008, 11:16:23 PM »
well i have looked at the triangle square circle and "x" buttons and i want to fit two leds in one of them the traingle . now how hard is it and what angle do i need to drill the holes so th buttons work and the wires dont show. the pic on the button mod dont work

and  wired up a led to the 5v point and to the wifi switch and then turnned on the psp i got a quick spark from the led then nothing then i shut it off tried again no thing and on he third try it did a qucik spark. but i cant get it to light up?

and what wire should i use to expand the size of the wifi all around the psp.

now i have 15 maby 16 leds now how do i wire then to gather like negative ti negative and positive to positive or what i kind confused on that part.? and i want to add my own switch and not use the hold or the wifi switch were do i wire up the negative point.

i want to make sure i a doing everything right i have a habit of exploding things that aren't meant to.

Offline cwn723

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Re: help with sound led mod
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2008, 07:50:06 AM »
Well, first of all you said you want to do the sound mod, so you should either be using the LM362 or wiring them up straight to the speakers. They are shutting off probably because you are going straight to a 5v point with no resistors. I think that blue LEDs have an intake of 3.6v so they are perfect for the speakers, but if you use any other color you will need to use resistors. as for wire, try 30awg wire from radioshack.

And i dont really under stand the 15-16 LED part, but if you mean your gonna try to stuff them all in to the psp, you just solder them the positive side to positive speaker terminal, and negative side to negative speaker terminal. your gonna have a serious wiring issue though.

And for the button degree angle, any angle should work, I think you should just put one in the middle of the X O [] /\ buttons, or else you may mess up the contacts.

And for the chotto cam part, try the Auctions section.


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