Author Topic: Some quick questions  (Read 985 times)

Offline seikene

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Some quick questions
« on: April 20, 2008, 09:15:21 AM »
Alright, this might need to be placed somewhere else, but I mainly need to know the size of a razor board. I basically still want to carry out my DS project that invovles dual nubs on it, and I'm going to TRY to create razor boards, since I'm too poor to start buying some from people. What I need to know is:

1. What is the size of the razor board, is it the same size as the psp?
2. Is there any simple design that I can use or does it have to be the ones that most AM members have used as well as coolmods?
3. Is this any good what so ever?
4. AM I sexy?? :D j/k
5. Is there any other method then laser printer to make it? even if you mention inkjet, then I will be fine with it, or if there's a place in miami like staples or something that has laser printers that allow me to print designs out?

If this has to be moved, then please do so. I really want to turn modding into a serious hobby, and that includes making a unique mod that either no body or few people have done (from what I remember, I think only rocky was able to pull this off with one nub on his d-pad, which pwned on its own :D, if I wrong, then please correct me :D)
Proud to be a: -Yugioh Player -ITG/DDR/PIU Player -Furry Fanatic - Knife Thrower -All around awesome guy :D


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