Author Topic: Reed Switch Security Mod in DS Phat by Seikene :D  (Read 4143 times)

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Reed Switch Security Mod in DS Phat by Seikene :D
« on: April 23, 2008, 07:57:38 PM »
Alright ppl, since seeing Timmy pull this feat off, I was like "OMG, perfect way to act like I'm one of those yugioh (no offense) pop tarts, swiping something and making it look like the way I swiped it makes it THAT MUCH MORE SIGNIFICANT!!! Anywayyyy, I'm gonna post my tut, some pics, and a vid :D. I will give me thanks in the bottom, and will include my nurse (if anyone saw my doctor blog thing, then you'll understand the joke :D)

Blue Top/ Silver Inside/ Black Bottom DS PHAT
Cost: $48.00 :D

Diagnosis: The Ds will not get turned on by anything. The patient tried getting turned on by a cat, a toaster, by Colstrayer, by a soldering iron (o.0), by a hot and sexy ds lite, and even by my nurse (Nurse: I tried, but the patient couldnt get it's hinge to stand :( )

Inside Look: Upon further view, we see that it just has no mojo flowing, (by mojo we mean power switch, and no it's fine but we want to stuff as much inuendo and make it look as bad as possible :P) So after ordering a strange device from the intranet, we find a nifty little bulb, with 2 points, that when connected to a certain 'part' in the patient, it will be as happy as a fly on dog poop! The only problem was, the shipper never sent the item that will activate the device, so now we had to go for trial and error with any item we can find. (Yeah the shipper immediately left the country after sending the device.)

Nurse: Scissors don't work...
Doctor: Get the umbrella
Nurse: ...nothing.
Doctor: Alright get me a bagel
Nurse: We got nada
Doctor: wtf?! I was gonna EAT that bagel!!!
Doctor: Alright bring the donkey in
Nurse: Hehe, I use to work in the circus years before becoming a nurse
Doctor: Ya don't say....? (big sigh)
Nurse: Yeah I use to do donkey shows
Doctor: awhhhhattt?!
Nurse: Yeah I use to have the donkey jump over hoops on fire, isn't that fun :D
Doctor: *Healing touches the nurses mouth*
Nurse: Mpppmmh
Doctor: I love this thing!

Prognosis: After everything, we found out that a magnet can turn this sick bastard on. After a few test with our new device, it looks like almost any powerful magnet will turn the patient on and get him to stand happily on it's case.
It's been months since we last checked up on our rowdy patient. Here he is now:
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

Nurse: Well, if that wasn't going to work, I would have whipped out my excalibur hahahahah.....
Doctor: o.0
Nurse: You know, my excalibur from that store I bought?
Doctor: O.O
Nurse: The weapons store?
Doctor: Ohhh ho ho ho, I thought you were talking bout that other excalibur?
Nurse: Oh no, that's in my purse ^_^.
Doctor: *gasps, gags, and dies*

Spoiler to that conversation (Set at a small size to prevent accidental viewage): If you didn't know that excalibur was a type of dildo, then you must be a big one XD!

I'll be welcome to suggestions, that don't mention pictures, because I already know, and I accidentally deleted the just blame my nurse :D.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2008, 08:03:22 PM by seikene »
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Re: Reed Switch Security Mod in DS Phat by Seikene :D
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2008, 09:17:55 PM »
nice job.  :drunk:

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Re: Reed Switch Security Mod in DS Phat by Seikene :D
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2008, 09:27:48 PM »
Gratzi :D
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Re: Reed Switch Security Mod in DS Phat by Seikene :D
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2008, 11:19:28 AM »
nice, good to see it in a phat
However today I was brutally raped by a door handle, and none of my friends helped me up off the floor after ten minutes, instead they all teabaged me, all 10 of them...

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Re: Reed Switch Security Mod in DS Phat by Seikene :D
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2008, 11:15:11 PM »
Yeah, and since there's so much space in the phat, I decided on moving it to the top left corner of the top screen. It's much easier to turn on there, and there's more space with no other components near it except for  the speaker that has a magnet but no use for it.
Proud to be a: -Yugioh Player -ITG/DDR/PIU Player -Furry Fanatic - Knife Thrower -All around awesome guy :D


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