indyman....just admit it....what have you been smokin?

everythigns legal here boys nothing to see.....
typing weed :+
we also discoverd he had typing tourettes so i think he is using typing weed, this makes him feel better i think

Damn my typing tourettes to hell!!!! Its prescription medication, it lets me see thigns that arent usually on computers

STOP WATCHING BOOTLEG MOVIES! lol i used to do it and it fcked up my comp so no i stop
Woah Woah Woah! IndyChav is a firm believer of supporting our music artists and actors and would never do such a thing. However DVD format doesnt play on Ipod Touchs do they?
So whats the solution?
Convert the file type
But Indy What happens if you go to all the efoort of converting and putting on your ipod jsut for it not to work?
You check the video on your computer before you commit to it using VLC media player, plays any movie type and thats a fact

Oh jeez indy I feel like an ass now, glad you cleared things up so i can really think about life and respect others greater than me.
Looks like my job here is done. Indy Out.