only the right analog need to be converted,the left one is analog and so is the nub on the psp,so thats fine,hooking one up to the dpad u have to convert the analog stick to digital...a digital stick XD XD XD,those plastic things on the sides of the analog stick are potentiometers also known as variable resistors,the further you push them up the more current is allowed through on that axis,the ps2 software interprets the change of current as you moving the analog stick,but dpad buttons are monetary switches,there is on and off,no in between (unless they're pressure sensitive...but psp ones arent so dont worry bout it),so you have to convert the analog stick to become 2 switches per axis,by cutting the trace in the potentiometers as shown in the wiki,you convert the potentiometers to switches,e.g left is square up is triangle etc. etc.,then you wire up the ground to the middle pin on the potentiometers and the poisitve of each button to its corresponding side on the potentiometer (you should b able to work it out yourself),thats it for my comprehensive explanation!when i was starting out modding zbblanton gave me an explanation like that which cleared everything up so i gots to return the favour or karma will bite my ass XD XD