Author Topic: Complete Newb lookin for lotsa advice  (Read 925 times)

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Complete Newb lookin for lotsa advice
« on: May 12, 2008, 01:18:44 PM »
 :confused:I am a complete newb to the modding scene and until a few days ago the only things involving PSP modding involved CFW and Homebrew which I am a newb at as well. I am looking for any links to tuts or any direct help from advanced modders on doing a list of different mods I have found on this site that I would like to do, but cannot for the life of me understand some of the diagrams and explinations. Following is a list of the mods I would like to do, any and all help is greatly appreciated.
LED mod to trigger buttons for PSP fat (I got very confused reading this tut)
USB charging mod(I for the most part understood this but can't make out the sodder points in the pics provided)
And of course the Dual Analog Razor Mod
Thanks again for any help.
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Offline Ch4rL13

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Re: Complete Newb lookin for lotsa advice
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2008, 06:45:57 PM »
well if you dont understabd the digram you shioludnt be jumping into a mod, you should atleast have some soldering skills and knowlage of electronics.
the usb charge is probably the easyest of the ones you said, you just solder a wire from point a to b
the led mod depends on which source of electricity you are using, mst likely the power baord but it could be the mobo.
and the razor nub, you will need to buy a raozr x board from cool-mods to get started with that one
good luck wit ur mods :victory:


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