Hey all
l0rdnic0 here with a review of the new lm386 kit which is offered at the shops from
WiredInput.com, a link to the kit will be provided at the end of the review.
So I got my hands on a few of the new Revised LM386 Kits that the folks at
WiredInput.com are selling and I wanted to take the time and tell you about them.
First off this is a Kit that you can buy pre built so you don’t need to solder the components to the board. All you need to do is buy some LEDs and wire them up along with Power, Ground and Inputs. It’s really that easy, just five wires to solder to your system and you’re done.
The kicker here is the size of this thing. I haven’t pulled off an install in a Phat yet, but tomorrow I’ll wire one up just for fun. These things assembled are no more then 2/3rds the height of an actual LM386 DIP (A common lm386 you can buy at any Radio Shack). If you need more clarification
stack a Dime on a Nickel and you’ll have the total height of the board and the chip. When I received the new board and I compared it to the first revision, I was very happy to see that the footprint was
reduced by nearly 1/3 in over all length if not more, the same goes for the width.
If you were truly concerned with space, you could sand the edges down, saving you even more room. I managed to remove close to 2mm with some fine sanding. I have to hand it to the people that were involved with the production of this board and the idea behind it and the new modular based mods that we here at
AcidMods.com are working on. Hopefully you will see more kits available in the future based on some of these new ideas that we have. This is especially important to those of you located outside of the US were finding parts like the 191k and 30k resistors can be a nightmare.
In closing this kit has everything you’re looking for when it comes to the Sound Mod. It was designed very well thought out and on quality material and you can’t argue a price of $14.99 US for a Kit that comes pre assembled.
As promised here are some images for you to look at and the link to the kit witch can be found
Hey be on the lookout for a full Tutorial an Video Tutorial as well.

HEY just so you know, What is shown here is just the board, but the Kit comes with everything solderd on to it (lm386, 30k and 191k).
Yes that's the Board next to a Dime
Here is a comparison of the First revision and the new revision boards
NOTE: the one on the Bottom = OLD the one on the top = NEW
NOTE: There are still some first generation boards available and they have a reduced price of 9.99. That’s five dollars cheaper, act now.Old Image