Author Topic: HELP-updated  (Read 1772 times)

Offline Ch4rL13

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« on: May 24, 2008, 12:43:08 PM »
ok i was modding my wii mote and i was trying to replace the 2nd led on the bottom of the wii mote and i accidently broke it off and then i put my green led ther and now the green led is lit vry dimly but the wii-mote wont turn on!!!! omg i need help fast, were taking my wii to my grandmas and we need the wii mote!! pls help :beg:

EDIT: ok the buttons are working, the only thing that isnt working is the camera and the leds.. so its still broke with no cam, and i didnt mess with the cam.. wuts wrong???

EDIT: no replys?? well it turns out im an idoit for jumping to conclussion  because the battery was just rly low, excpet the  green led isnt like very bright.. can i bridge something to make it brighter?
« Last Edit: May 25, 2008, 07:55:23 AM by Talos »


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