Author Topic: TUT: Recover a permanent bricked psp slim for those who didnt back up nand.  (Read 14753 times)

Offline lilcrzytimmy

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well as some of you know, i went through a time where i acually cried to see that my psp slim had bricked because of messing with the flash.  now i learned my lesson and am gonna use cxmb to do my themes and back up my nand and flash0.

what you need
-Universal unbricker v3 battery
-hex editor, i used XVI32.
-your broken nand
-a working psp slim nand.

just a simple advice, before doing this, try to unbrick your psp with the Universal unbricker v3, when it reformat flash0 or something, and it hangs as in it doesnt do anything, then the nand is damage.

before we start anything, back up the broken and working NAND in a zip or special folder on your pc, that way if we mess up, we can still start over.

1. using the XVI32 open the broken nand dump (lets name it and call it idstore.bin)
2.  press CTRL and G and choose hexadecimal.  where the location with $ and some number replace the numbers with $108000
3.  after wards, go to the edit menu on the top left and click "delete from cursor" not "delete to cursor" and save it somewhere and name it idstore.bin.
4. using XVI32 again, open the working Nand and lets call it flash.bin.
5 like step two, press CTRL and G and choose hexadecimal and this time replace the $XXXXXX (x is a variable) with $107FFF.
6. go to the edit menu and this time click "delete to cursor" and save it as flash.bin.
7.  place the two file in you hardrive (local disk) under any name you want.
8. use Command prompt and type cd\the name you use for the file.
9. afterward type this,  copy /b idstore.bin+flash.bin nand-dump.bin    and it will merge the slim's original id with a new nand.
10. when done, rigth click the nand-dump.bin and check the size.  the size should be EXACTLY 69,206,016 KB.  if it is not, you may have done somethign wrong, good thing i told you to back up the broken nand and the working nand.
11.  place the nand-dump.bin file into the root of your memory stick and run DAV Universal unbricker V3.
12. when in the menu, press L, R, home and start to replace the nand.
13.  flash to original 3.71 fw   you may see the flash0 hang a bit, but it should change after like 5 secs.
14. when done flashing, then flash 3.71m33-2 firmware. 

the reason why i asked to flash to original firmware is that, when flashing directly to cfw, it can have certain problems. like my brightness went haywiring in xmb. when you press it rather than to shut off lcd.  if you still have some certain defects, use  chilly willy key cleaner

congrats, you have just unbricked your psp slim.

working Nand Dump-
chilly willy key cleaner



ALSO, i would liek to thank and give credits to a person i met, zonefire152, that gave me a guide to do this through an email.  he didnt post this online but now it is and can help those who have been through wat i have been forgeting to back up nand and thinking im screwed.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2007, 09:48:11 PM by lilcrzytimmy »
Sonys: The Foreign 40gb Black* and the red hot slim soon the green slim.  Nintendo: The revolutional White.
Past: A whole mess of american PSP and eventually Japanese imports.

Materialistic, HELL YA. =D
*i just notice the ps3 was foreign, and i bought it in america. O.O

Offline someguy

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Dose this work on those who has a corrupt id storage on a slim n lite psp? :confused:
« Last Edit: January 27, 2008, 03:04:48 AM by Nemesis »

Offline lilcrzytimmy

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Dose this work on those who has a corrupt id storage on a slim n lite psp? :confused:

sorry for the delay in reply.  i hardly check this topic, anyways, no, it will not work if your idstorage is corrupt.  every psp slim is now design with its own idstorage in whcih if you have it corrupted, then its impossible to recover it.  im sorry for your loss.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2008, 03:05:31 AM by Nemesis »
Sonys: The Foreign 40gb Black* and the red hot slim soon the green slim.  Nintendo: The revolutional White.
Past: A whole mess of american PSP and eventually Japanese imports.

Materialistic, HELL YA. =D
*i just notice the ps3 was foreign, and i bought it in america. O.O

Offline bveals

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will the new UPMSInstallerV3 fix it

Offline Nemesis

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STICKIED! nice tut here some + karma :)

Offline bustinthejustin

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If this fixes my psp I LOVE you...

Sig by Kenshinffx - Thanks!

Offline Hack3r

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thanks for the guide

Offline bustinthejustin

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O_O why do you have the same sig as IndyChav? You're not Indy... Are you?

Sig by Kenshinffx - Thanks!

Offline fatash

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 :clap: thank you
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