Author Topic: A few spec questions  (Read 1317 times)

Offline seikene

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A few spec questions
« on: June 09, 2008, 09:49:10 PM »
Alright, basically I use to play Guild Wars on my laptop till my parents decided to be douches and took it away. I play it now on my sister's computer. Strangely, the laptop was dual core like 1.7Ghz I think, and this computer is 3.21 Ghz, yet this one is playing at a constant 5-10 Fps, and on my laptop it's like 10-60 fps, usually 30-60. I'd like to know what could be wrong. My specs say I have 448mb of RAM, but then when I check the task manager, I'm already using like 568 mb for everything running with guild wars, and I can't seem to figure out my video card memory. I tried lowering resolution, I tried defraggin the file, went from 7.8k frags to 1, and still nothing T_T. Almost anythign that won't cost me anything would be of huge importance in helping me resolve this issue, as I leave in 2 months to the navy, and I would like to spend them beating some noobs in AB or pwning some monsters in FOW or UW (only GW players know what these terms mean, so don't bother :P), not crying over my 5fps that can't let me do anything but use the /cry emote.
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Offline psp339

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Re: A few spec questions
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2008, 12:14:54 AM »
Its because your sister's computer has a better CPU and graphics card. You have a single core CPU which is slower than a dual core CPU. The graphics card in your sister's computer must be better than the one in your laptop.

Offline seikene

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Re: A few spec questions
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2008, 10:03:48 AM »
Yeah but how is it better than the one in the laptop when I get 5-10 fps, even with mabey 2.5 ghz, I can run GW pretty well on the laptop, but here on the desktop, it's just lag and the cpu goes upto 69C easily. I don't know, it feels a bit strange, even if it's dual core, I can't understand how a single core with almost the same amount as the laptop can somehow run this slow.

Edit- It hits 70C easily with GW on actually, and what it says on the properties of my computer is:
Celeron(R)CPU 3.20Ghz
3.21Ghz, 448 of RAM
« Last Edit: June 10, 2008, 10:10:38 AM by seikene »
Proud to be a: -Yugioh Player -ITG/DDR/PIU Player -Furry Fanatic - Knife Thrower -All around awesome guy :D


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