Author Topic: Fixing DS Lite (System turns on for a brief second, flashes and turns off.)  (Read 4687 times)

Offline Thaiboy

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So my friend just gave me her broken ds lite.
The hinge was messed up, and the top LCD ribbon was broken.
So I ripped it apart, and everything seems to be OK. (No burn marks = no blown fuses right?)
From what I've read from using the "Search" function of this website, it seems like if not all parts are connected, the DS won't function at all (Won't boot or anything).
Is this true?
Is the only thing I need to get to fix this the top LCD and a new housing?
Cause I don't want to buy parts and find that it still won't work.

(Is it just me, or is fixing this harder than fixing a PSP? Maybe it's just that I'm not used to it.)

Offline PspKicks316

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Yes, that's true.
If not everything (mostly the screens and BIOS) is connected properly, the DSL won't boot at all.

Now, you said the top screen ribbon cable was broken? There's your problem.
You won't be able to get the DSL functioning at all without a working top screen. The broken ribbon cable means you need a new top screen.

(Or, I forget. Is there a ribbon going from the motherboard to a small board in the top, and then the top screen connects to that small board? If so, you just need that ribbon cable that connects from the motherboard to the top)

Offline Thaiboy

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Thanks very much for replying.
The screen ribbon connects to the mobo.
I guess I'm pretty much set then.

Also, how exactly do you remove the black wire?(Internal antenna module???) I tried removing it and ended up ripping the tip off.
Now the tip is stuck under the DS cartridge reader. (Doh!)
Can that potentially short the DS? (It shouldn't right? It's not on a connection or anything...I don't think...)

Offline PspKicks316

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Yeah, that's going to short the DS. You now successfully broke your antenna and need a new one before the DS will work, too. I'm 99% sure the DS won't work without wifi connected.
To get the antenna out the right way, you just need to guide it as you pull it through under the cart slot.

And it doesn't matter if it connects to the mobo or not.. if it's ripped, you need a new one.

Offline Thaiboy

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lol guiding it is a problem since it's jammed underneath it.
Could I just desolder the top two solder points of the Ds card reader, pull up a little, and let it slide out?
I'm definitely gonna buy a new antenna, I just need to remove the plug tip thing so it doesn't short.
As for the connecting thing, I was referring to your question with the parentheses.
Gonna buy housing, top screen, power switch (lol those break too easily), and antenna at DX.
I think that's it for now. Anything else I need?

Thanks for all your help so far. :)

Offline PspKicks316

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Nah you should be good with that then.
And yeah you can just desolder it, bend it up a tiny bit, then pull it out.
Good luck lol

Offline Thaiboy

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lol thanks.
Gonna need it.


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