Author Topic: [tut] Xmb themes for Dumies  (Read 3443 times)

Offline Professor Fate

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[tut] Xmb themes for Dumies
« on: February 09, 2008, 11:25:59 PM »
I've been seeing way to many people asking how to make xmb themes, so here is a simple tut for how to make xmb themes.

Before you can make a theme you first need to know who to flash a theme, so make sure you've given this thread a good read.

ok lets get started.

first off you need to know about the area of the PSP's programing that you are working it the Flash0 (the #zero)

the flash0 is where most (if not all) of the PSP's programing is held so be care full when working in this area, if you delete the wrong file you can easily brick you PSP, however can be easily avoided and fixed.  before we do anything with the flash0 you need to make sure you have backed everything from the flash0 on to a safe place on your comp.  once you have done that you can be to edit things in it. 

    \/  \/ <- (edits all RCOs and is the primary tool for themers) <-(will only edit 3.71 to 3.80 PRXs)
Decompressed/editable RCOs
\/             \/

Decompressed/editable PRXs
 \/           \/

 (This applies to 3.71 to 3.90)


-Main xmb-
X:\flash0\vsh\resource\topmenu_plugin.rco <-(edits/contains icon text)
X:\flash0\vsh\resource\topmenu_icon.rco  <-(edits/contains the main menu icons)
X:\flash0\vsh\resource\system_plugin.rco <-(edits/contains click sounds, info bar, loading icons  etc...)
X:\flash0\vsh\resource\system_plugin_bg.rco <-(edits/contains xmb wave)
X:\flash0\vsh\resource\system_plugin_fg.rco <-(edits/contains battery, busy, clock color etc...)

X:\flash0\vsh\module\vshmain.prx <-(icon/clock positioning, alpha channels of icons etc...)
X:\flash0\vsh\module\paf.prx <-(icon spacing, scroll speed, and alpha channel of icons etc...)

Now if you don't have a slim your probably going to run out of flash0 space. however there is an easy way to fix this simply delete the fallowing two items.


There still is a lot more that can be covered. I will be updating this thread when ever I get a chance so check up often  (I'll be adding in how to make icons) and keep an I out for my theme releases, you can learn a lot just from pulling other people's themes apart. so have fun acidmoders the Professor is out  :cool:

Thanks goes to Endless Paradigm for the files.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2008, 11:53:14 AM by Professor Fate »


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