Author Topic: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM  (Read 5076 times)

Offline pinoyboi24

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Hey, I was wondering if this is where you are supposed to solder the led wires onto the mobo.

Also, What else are you supposed to have ? like a resistor on it? or what? If possible, also a tut(but not counting on it)

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Re: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2008, 08:00:48 PM »
if your doing like that then the blue one is positive make sure you have that right also the other trigger needs to be on the other speaker the positive for that is the right one

Offline pinoyboi24

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Re: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2008, 09:05:21 PM »
What I am asking is, is that the place to solder the wire from the LEDS(Trigger mod) to? I'm not trying to do the Sound Reactive Mod. I'm just trying to do the simple trigger mod, nothing else.

Offline psp339

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Re: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2008, 10:04:02 PM »
You can solder them to the power board.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2008, 12:56:05 AM by robin1989 »

Offline pinoyboi24

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Re: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2008, 10:29:02 PM »
This is what I was looking for. Thanks 4dp!!! also, stupid question, but which point are you supples to solder to?

Offline iam7805

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Re: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2008, 12:31:17 PM »
Solder to the positive 4.9v for power and the power led neg - for ground. This will make it so the LEDs are on when the PSP is on. Use a 100 ohm resistor on each LED.

Offline pinoyboi24

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Re: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2008, 01:34:49 PM »
Thank You! ANd thanks to 4dP for hte Picture.
So if I use 4 0603 SMT LED's(2 for my Triggers and 2 for my UMD Door), that would make 4 of the resistors? Isn't that a lil too much?
« Last Edit: June 23, 2008, 01:37:02 PM by pinoyboi24 »

Offline psp339

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Re: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2008, 04:52:35 PM »
You only need 1 resistor if you wire them in parallel.

Offline pinoyboi24

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Re: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2008, 04:56:05 PM »
Ok, thats what I thought
So thats 1 of the 100 ohm resistors?
Also, is this good wire to buy

Offline Jumbo

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Re: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2008, 05:07:31 PM »
Yup that wire is fine  :tup:

Good luck

Offline psp339

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Re: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2008, 05:12:06 PM »
Yea. I use the blue and white version of that wire in all my modding projects.  :tup:

Offline pinoyboi24

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Re: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2008, 02:33:14 PM »
Well, I went to my RadioShack, and I couldn't find that kind of wire. But I found some others.
Here are some crappy pics:

24 Guage, Solid

!8 Guage, Solid

This one reads :Rated 300 Volts,22 Guage, Stranded
I'm guessing I should use the first 2 becuase it is a silid and not stranded core?
And would any of these work?

Offline psp339

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Re: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2008, 07:02:59 PM »
They will work but you might not be able to close the PSP properly because that wire is too thick.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 10:40:36 PM by psp339 »

Offline yngmike

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Re: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2008, 07:38:45 PM »

 Can I first say whoah!!!!.... You'lll recieve conflicting info on the boards....(well anywhere)

I have personally done the trigger mod on a psp slim 2001 dax bundle......

If you intend to pull power off of the power board here is some info

If you look at 4dp's pic of the power board (which is effing great I might add) there is an "A" directly under the green/amber led (it's a multimode led). Use an Exacto Knife to lightly scratch off the "Konap" its the green covering on the board... it's just a coating to avoid corrosion... you'll see a nice copper contact to solder to.... this is the best way I have found to attach to the power board...
This will decrease the intensity of the power led significantly.
USE 30AWG KYNAR it's available at Radio Shack!!!!!!! (find it on the website and search for a location that has it)

Also I have personaly determined the negative connection for the LED does not work.. you must use ground... I used the wlan switch to turn the LEDS on and off, which I think is very desireable for battery consumption.......

I would recommend attaching to the 5V power connection on the mobo (if your ballsey enough) (pics are on the sound reactive light mod by l0rdnic0) that is connected to the MS power led on the far left of the mobo. You have to be VERY VERY VERY carefull to scratch off the "konap" (easy) and use flux then solder to attach at the connection(hard)... the hard part is not using too much heat and smoking the resistor right there.

Hope this helps


Offline pinoyboi24

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Re: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2008, 08:18:29 PM »
AWww come on. I thought I had it. Ok, whts the most simple way(and I mean simplest) to attach LED to a PSP Slim Power board? Also, an you get a pic of your setup?

EDIT: How much does the LED mod(I'll be using 4 of the0603 ones) use up the battery? also, it the resistor still needed? if so, which one?
Well, you said it will bring down the intensity of the power led significantly, does that mean that the LED won't be as bright? or what? Also, you said to solder to a ground, do i solder to a ground pin on the power board?
« Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 08:38:06 PM by pinoyboi24 »

Offline yngmike

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Re: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2008, 09:37:55 PM »

The first one I did which was still hard.... because the contacts are SMALLLLL

Take an Exacto knife and scratch the "A" off of the powerboard per 4dp's super sweet diagram...


Just the green.... then apply flux with a teeny tiny paint brush.... then heat it for like 1/4 a second and apply solder(may take 2-3 tries)..     tin your 30AWG kynar... (apply flux and melt solder on it)

then touch the two together and hit it with the soldering iron, they will stick try and make it so the connection is shiny!.... a dull solder joint is weak

for the ground connection I would use the WLAN switch connection per L0rdnic0's "Sound Reactive Light TUT"

just make a "U" to connect the two left most pins (to make wireless always on) then connect your gound to the rightmost pin..... this way you can switch your lights on and off....

The battery life isn't all that important I don't think... I just think it's usefull to turn them off when you don't want them...

If you wire directly to ground the lights will be on 24/7 even when the PSP is off. They will be dim but they will be eating battery.

I used 0805 leds which are bigger and less likely to break/blowup.. You should use a resistor for 0603 leds as they use a lower voltage and will just burn out if you don't......

Check and see what people have used for 0603 leds as I have not used them... but the resistor makes sense... (Just hide it in the area to the left of the Yellow DC connector)

Cover any open wire connections under the LCD with hot glue or electrical tape (preferably kevlar tape)

Hope this helps..

« Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 11:58:19 PM by yngmike »

Offline pinoyboi24

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Re: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2008, 10:18:29 PM »
Hope this helps?
This is technicall a tut in my eyes. Thanks a lot!!!!!!
EDIT: So if I use 0805 LEDs, I don't have to use a resistor?
« Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 10:20:36 PM by pinoyboi24 »

Offline yngmike

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Re: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2008, 11:51:40 PM »
I didn't, Don't know if I should have, but it works.... my leds (0805) are dim compared to pics/vids I have seen but I'm not that dissapointed because some of them are annoyingly bright...

I'll be upgrading to brigher 0603's shortly though is hooking me up (since I regurarly buy from them)

Since all the hard wiring will be done changing resistors (higher or lower) won't be that hard since all the hard work is already done...

I will do the research when I go to upgrade...

« Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 11:56:29 PM by yngmike »

Offline pinoyboi24

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Re: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2008, 10:21:54 AM »
Ok, well, I cant get my mobo out and I was wondering if I could just hook the LED setup to a regular swiitch?(like a really small one)?

Offline yngmike

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Re: To people who have done the LED Trigger mod(and only that) on SLIM
« Reply #19 on: June 26, 2008, 07:23:20 PM »
Not a good idea in my opinion...

You would still have to drill the case and it wouldnt stay put or look right...

To remove the mobo..

Just remove all visable screws and lift towards yourself slightly then push down (so the USB connector can slide out.. it's really easy...

The ribbon cables can be stressfull to get out and in, but it can be done with patience...

(WEAR GLOVES! sweat and static can damage things)



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