Author Topic: PSP Official Firmware 4.00  (Read 2170 times)

Offline rceckspurt13

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PSP Official Firmware 4.00
« on: June 24, 2008, 01:02:02 AM »
Ok so about two days ago, I checked the network update on my psp. It turned up a new update version 4.00. I didn't think anything about it and went ahead and updated. But now I've come to find out that I could have run a pandoras on my psp and get it to 3.71 m33-2. I wanted to do this because I want to get into the loop with a cfw. So I did a little research and a couple of sites came across said that 4.00 has some sort of built in firewall that blocks all software mods. In the case of a pandora, it said it would brick the system. And since pandora is blocked, you cant use it to unbrick. I just want to know if there is any truth to this because I would real like to run a pandoras on my psp. So if anyone knows weather his is true or not could you let me know. Thanks!

P.S. The site also said that the update included flash player 9 and shockwave so you wouldent get that "either you have javascript turned off or an old version of Macromedia flash player" message. I know that that's a load of bull sh** because I still get that message all the time. I think the same may be true for the firewall thing but I'm not sure. I'm certainly not about to fu** up my psp for somthing I'm not sure about.

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Re: PSP Official Firmware 4.00
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2008, 03:27:35 AM »
Please post in the PSP Software Section. You can use Pandora's battery in any PSP regardless of the firmware it is running. The program does not need run off the firmware it is a standalone application, it should be fine to downgrade

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Re: PSP Official Firmware 4.00
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2008, 04:14:07 AM »
as of 9:00 pm est sony had 3.95 listed as the current OFW

Offline Luke

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Re: PSP Official Firmware 4.00
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2008, 04:18:50 AM »
VoX have you ever seen any one downgrade 4.00?

how do you know your fact are right  :confused:

cause sony did release something saying something
similear to that.

but i guess whats the worst that can happen.

nothing bad should happen like a psp being unbrickable,
cause sony will get alot of angry customers :angry:

*moving needed*

as of 9:00 pm est sony had 3.95 listed as the current OFW

also you download it via psp  :huh:


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Re: PSP Official Firmware 4.00
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2008, 04:55:09 AM »
I know for a fact because that's how Pandora's battery works. It does not rely on the Flash0 files to run there for is not hindered or stopped by the firmware installed.  The hacked battery EEPROM activates the battery into service mod which runs the respective files on the Magic Memory Stick (With a hacked IPL), this is why you can unbrick/downgrade a  bricked PSP using Pandora's battery because it runs with out a firmware, and for the same reason you can downgrade a PSP regardless of its firmware. The firmware can not stop the Pandora's battery because it is not running at the same time, the only way you could stop it would be through a hardware change not a software change (New firmware)

Offline rceckspurt13

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Re: PSP Official Firmware 4.00
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2008, 11:18:35 AM »
Thanks VoX. Your right because last night I did manage to fin a video of a guy downgrading his 4.00 psp to 3.90 m33-3. I feel a lot more comfortable doing this now.
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Offline Luke

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Re: PSP Official Firmware 4.00
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2008, 02:32:44 AM »
I know for a fact because that's how Pandora's battery works. It does not rely on the Flash0 files to run there for is not hindered or stopped by the firmware installed.  The hacked battery EEPROM activates the battery into service mod which runs the respective files on the Magic Memory Stick (With a hacked IPL), this is why you can unbrick/downgrade a  bricked PSP using Pandora's battery because it runs with out a firmware, and for the same reason you can downgrade a PSP regardless of its firmware. The firmware can not stop the Pandora's battery because it is not running at the same time, the only way you could stop it would be through a hardware change not a software change (New firmware)

not creating a fight or argument or anything... it can.

coz i know for a fact ive had my motherboard crash using
pandora, it was a brand new motherboard and dont say it
was the motherboard coz i tested it and had it for 3 weeks
without any problems

also im not saying it cant be done im just saying it was my
bad luck
« Last Edit: June 25, 2008, 02:36:28 AM by Luke »


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Re: PSP Official Firmware 4.00
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2008, 03:27:14 AM »
not creating a fight or argument or anything... it can.

coz i know for a fact ive had my motherboard crash using
pandora, it was a brand new motherboard and dont say it
was the motherboard coz i tested it and had it for 3 weeks
without any problems

also im not saying it cant be done im just saying it was my
bad luck

The problem with your motherboard is a either a fault or a hardware security change and has NOTHING to do with the software side of it. I said this in my last statment if you read that....  :angry:

Offline nevekd128

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Re: PSP Official Firmware 4.00
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2008, 05:07:56 AM »
u probably got a short


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