Game Name: GoldChase
Creator: Dirk Nordhusen (DiNoGames)
Version: Beta
Description / Instructions / Anything you want to say:
Play the first 3D-ish game for the Zune!
The game uses a modified RaycasterX engine (originally created by Nick Gravelyn (SimReality)).
Currently there are 6 different levels... I will add much more in the final release.
Find all goldbars in a level to open the door to the next level.
Don't let the gazers get you! It's their gold and they'll kill you!

Press Play button when you are prompted to.
Use DPad to walk through the maze.
Please play with headset on... the sound is part of the athmosphere.
Download URL:
GOLDCHASEScreenshots [optional, but highly recommended]:

Currently no ingame screenshots... I will update this post later
...Please do not post additional feature wishes....
Donations are always welcome. You'll find a donate button on Valgards Fate Blog (Link in my sig)
I hope you have fun playing game!
Original Thread