Author Topic: zBreak  (Read 1579 times)

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« on: June 26, 2008, 04:04:14 PM »
Quote from: LedZepp;223036
I introduce to you zBreak, a version of breakout.
I created this by myself with the help of some tutorials.

Whats Done:
-Custom level support(outside the game) (read level creation below)
-Many levels
-music is integrated
-pause menu
-main menu
-[V. 0.0.6]Collision Detection has been fixed
-[V. 0.0.7]Random Levels Have Been Added!
-[V. 0.0.8]
--2 new blocks added
----Silver, takes 2 hits to destroy (Number 4 when designing a level)
----Dark Grey, you are not able to destroy it at all(acts like a wall)(Number 5 when designing a level)
--Paddle collision detection improved more, paddle size in height decreased
--Level Selection is included
--I have had my ball get stuck in between the dark grey blocks so if that happens to you press down on the DPad and it will get unstuck
--Right side boundary fixed
--Random Levels now have a "difficulty" level
----Levels 1-2 have only red,green,blue
----Levels 3-4 have red,green,blue,and silver
----Levels 5 and beyond have red,green,blue,silver, and dark grey
--Some other minor things were improved that i cant remember lol
--Note: There are in my code commented out parts that are for powerups, please do not try to uncomment them as you will get many errors and nothing will work!
-[V. 0.0.9]
-Powerups have been added
--Green Falling Circle
----Ultra Ball, Turns your ball green, doesnt bounce back from any blocks except the indestruble ones
--Red Circle with -(minus)
----Shrinks your Paddle
--Blue circle with +(Plus)
----Extends your Paddle
-New graphics thanks to laurens
----New Paddle
----New Blocks
----New Background
-New Levels
-Minor Fixes
---Expect More Powerups in the next version including a Gun, and a Ball multiplier
-New Block Numbers(For creating Custom levels)
--1 - Blue
--2 - Red
--3 - Green
--4 - Orange
--5 - Yellow
--6 - Purple
--7 - Cyan
--8 - Pink
--9 - Silver
--10 - Indestructible
-[V. 0.1]
--Gun Powerup added, allowed 3 shots on screen at at time
--New block add, #11, dark red, destroys surrounding blocks(not featured in any levels in this version, but you may add it to any level)
--MultiBall powerup not included
--Starting tomorrow(unless something comes up) I will be completely rewriting all of the code for this game. I will make it more efficient and able to handle more things. I will also be improving alot of things as well as redoing all the menus. Do not expect the next version for at least a week or 2

What needs to be done/fixed
-Level creator in the game
-Save level, and or score
-Save user created levels(once level creation inside the game is made)
-Thats all i can think of now but if anyone want to make suggestions i can try and add them.

Before i forget heres the controls:
Main Menu
Up/Down on zune = Up/Down in Menu
Center Button on zune = Select in Menu

Left/Right in zune = control of paddle left/right
Center button on zune = launch ball if not launched, if game lost press center button to be taken to main menu
Play/Pause button on zune = Pauses the game brings up the pause menu

Pause Menu
Same buttons as Main Menu

Heres the download link:
V. 0.0.5
Rar Zip
V. 0.0.6
Rar Zip
V. 0.0.7
Rar Zip
V. 0.0.8
Rar Zip
V. 0.0.9 - 1st Gen Zunes, No Touch Support
Rar Zip
V. 0.0.9TS - 2nd Gen Zunes, With Touch Support
(thanks to MehStrongBadMeh)

V. 0.1.0 - Both 1st, and 2nd Gen zune's supported
Rar Zip

Custom Level Creation: How-To

I hope people will share the levels they create here and i will try to add them to my project so that when i release updates they will be in there. I was only able to come up with 11 levels of my own and i dont consider them to be that great so dont be shy to post up your code of your level :D.

Heres a couple screenshots of the game
(Note in the first one "Random Level" doesnt work)
(Note in the third one the blank menu will not be blank when you play, it will tell you the song thats playing)

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