Author Topic: Galactic Wars 3  (Read 1706 times)

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Galactic Wars 3
« on: June 26, 2008, 04:11:36 PM »
Quote from: jsedlak;223105
Current Download:
General Page For Zune Games:

Decided to start a new thread, feel free to lock the other thread. So anyways, the "Beta" is here! I completely rewrote the game (as you will soon see). I have added sound effects, music support, new enemies, new levels and different weapons. This version also supports the 30gb (doesn't use touch at all).

Many thanks to Justin O'Dell (CodeAnxiety) for the art.

Here are some things you should know:
- Up and Down in the menus slides you to different options.
- Click the center to go forward. Click the Back button to go back.
- To play music, go into options and scroll through your playlists. Click. It should start playing.

- DPad (Click) will move. Hit center to shoot without moving.
- Play/Pause (B button) switches weapons.
- Back to pause and/or quit.
- Progress bar on top is your life. If it hits 0, game over (I hope...). Fill it up to move to the next level!

Known Issues
- Menus and Gameplay loading are slow and clunky.
- Level 3 will slow your Zune down as you near the end of it.
- High scores do not work.
- Game may slow down after prolonged play. Please restart your Zune to clear the memory. (Still having some minor GC issues)

I still have a lot of work to do. Besides clearing up the aforementioned issues, I plan to...
- Add more levels, enemies and weapons
- Add power ups!
- Multiplayer? (MAYBE)
- High Scores (duh)
- Better music support
- Add support for difficulties.


Edit... forgot one thing...
[SIZE="7"]Good luck at the end of Level 3![/SIZE]

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