Author Topic: PopEm  (Read 1962 times)

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« on: June 26, 2008, 04:19:42 PM »
Game Name: PopEm
Creator: Manticore-X
Version: 0.1
Download URL:;10366675;/fileinfo.html  (Updated URL at 7:13 EST May26)

This is the second release of PopEm for the zune. Hopfully you all enjoy it. There are some bugs with the collision detection on the bouncing blocks, so if anyone with experience can look at that it would be great. But, to the best of my knowledge this is about as good as it will get (which is still pretty good if i say so myself). This happens mainly when they are lined up together in a large row (like my level, it is there to show how the bouncers work, but also to show the bug).

What I know are needed are:
More levels. (Please contribute!)
Save functions.
More special targets.
Music player functions.
Other assorted things.

If you contribute a level please say the % you want them to hit, and the number of darts you think they will need. Also please comment on how many darts and percent should be for existing levels.

Thanks everyone!

Oh and heads up. Don't run it in debug mode. It causes it to lag. Run it when the zune is not connected to XNA

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