Author Topic: Squadron Z  (Read 1925 times)

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Squadron Z
« on: June 26, 2008, 04:26:14 PM »
Quote from: MarcusMaximus;236625
I've been working on a new game called Squadron Z.

    In this game you pilot a (2D) ship and basically try to shoot down other bad (2D) ships who also try to shoot you. The bad guys sometimes drop upgrades when you kill them which right now include machine gun damage upgrades and homing missile upgrades(first one gives you homing missiles, the rest increase damage... for now)
    The ship's guns look pretty cool as do ships themselves and the explosions and homing missiles are what I'm most proud of :). Also, I'm using the ZBlade as the menu so that's pretty cool too. (There's a menu option for 2 players but don't use it, it's not even close to working yet) You can also choose music and can have the touch pad controls if you want them. There is also a pause menu activated by pressing the center button on zune 30's or with touch controls enabled. In the pause menu you can change your music settings. To change it, press left/right to choose the setting you want and play/pause button to activate the change. Press back to return to the game.

Edit: New Version 1.20: Now saves options for touch controls and reverse shoot/pause. Also has improved frame rates during explosions over previous versions.

Future Updates:
     possibly more levels with more different enemies added?

Author: Me
Download it here:

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