Author Topic: PSP semi brick?  (Read 1395 times)

Offline JWhiteLightning

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PSP semi brick?
« on: June 30, 2008, 10:31:26 PM »
OK,here is the thing, i got a psp and turned it into 3.80m33 for my friend. I then erased The mms because i thought i wouldnt need it anymore. So anyway, i give it back to my friend and he plays a few games, etc. then he says that it freezes every time he tries to play a game. He said he tried to install the 1.50 kernal addon, and got that and then tried to put on IRshell, and it froze when he tried to load it. Know it gets stuck in the white scree with PSP in the middle every time he tries to load up a new game. I tried doing a pandoras again, but i cant get the files on the mms because the psp wont load the correct program to do it. I also think the battery is stuck to UPMS magic memstick only, because i tried the TOTAlnewbie easyInstaller, and it wont load up. I even tried the recovery mode, but it wont load up that either. anyone know what the problem is?

Offline adumbassviet

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Re: PSP semi brick?
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2008, 09:48:39 PM »
 :rofl: dis happens to me before, i fix it by converting the pandora back to a normal battery then formatting the mms then remake the mms and the pandora, if u need help just email me  :victory:


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