Author Topic: [guide] PSP M33 Recovery Menu  (Read 14911 times)

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[guide] PSP M33 Recovery Menu
« on: July 11, 2008, 02:45:29 PM »
M33 Recovery Menu Guide

Q:What is recovery menu?
A:It is a special menu in the m33 custom firmwares with several configuration options.  It can be also used for accessing psp's flash memory and downgrading to 1.5 firmware in case of a brick/semi brick

Q:How can it be accessed?
A:The recovery menu can be accessed by pressing and holding the R trigger and then switching the psp on.

Options of the recovery menu.

1. Toggle USB
This option enables or disables the USB connection to the memory stick from the recovery menu itself.

2.Configuration Menu
This menu has some settings related to the functioning of the psp.  The options are as following.
            2.01 Skip Sony logo:This option skips the Sony logo "Sony Computer Entertainment" which you get when you turn on your psp.  It should speed up the boot time of your psp.
            2.02 Hide Corrupt icons:This option hides the corrupt data icons in the game menu.  They are normally there because of the kxploit used in 1.5 homebrew.

            2.03 Game folder homebrew:This option sets the kernel mode for the game folder between 1.5 kernel(only if 1.5 kernel addon is installed) or the current firmware kernel.

            2.04 Autorun program at /psp/GAME/EBOOT/EBOOT.PBP: This option runs the program at this directory as soon as the psp boots.

            2.05 UMD Mode: It allows you to select the driver for [you know what]. The available ones are m33, np9660, OE softs(all these are no umd) and(this 1 requires a umd) normal.

            2.06 Fake region: Allows you to select a region for your psp.  There are different features available in different regions for example Go messenger, Tv(doesn't work) etc.

            2.07 Use Vsh Menu: Enables or disables the use of the M33 vsh configuration menu.

            2.08 XMB USB device: Selects the device which is used in usb connection in the vsh menu.

            2.09 M33 Network Update: Switches between M33 and the Sony official update server.

            2.10 Hide PIC0.PNG and PIC1.PNG in game menu: Enabling this will hide game icons in the game menu. With it your game menu will load faster.

Run program at /PSP/GAME/RECOVERY/Eboot.pbp
Before you use this option you will need to download and install the 1.5 recovery wininstaller.  After that run this option, doing so will downgrade ur psp to 1.5 owf.  Its useful in case of a semi brick or so(if you don't have a pandora battery).


                   1.Advanced Options
The options are in this menu are not very useful for normal people, but they may be useful for developers
               1.1Plain modules in UMD/ISO: This allows certain unsigned code to be run from a UMD/ISO

               1.2Execute BOOT.bin in UMD/ISO: It runs boot.bin file in a UMD/ISO.
                   2.Toggle USB flash ("the name of the flash"): Enables the access of flash memory from within the recovery menu.

                   3.Format Flash1 and reset settings:Restores the factory settings of the psp(keeps the custom firmware).

CPU Speed:
Sets the CPU speed in VSH(xmb) and GAME.

 Enables or disables plugins.

Registry Hacks:
This option allows you to enable Flash Player and WMA player without connecting to the internet.  It also allows you to switch the X and O buttons hence making the X as O and O as X.

Exits the recovery menu to the XMB.

I am not responsible for the use of any of the above options.

Any Questions are welcome

and the moderator may please make this post stick or move it to any appropriate section...

Good Luck.

thanks chase for this sig =)
I miss my dragon lol....


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