idk if you guys can help but i think im in a little trouble, nothing big, i just shipped my stuff to the wrong house.. XD
well for some reason my paypal had not been changed and.. well i was rushing thorugh the payment and i pressed yes and after i pressed confirm i noticed, wrong location!!!
my old house is only a few miles away and it hasnt been shipped and i sant the seller a msg but no reply yet and im alottle on edge, the product was a av cable for the 360, $10
and btw, i had another product that i bought and i got a email with the tracking email from ups, and it said it was sending it to my house, but when i went and checked on it on ebay in the shipping thingy it said my old house, im to worried about this product becuase if the ups email saod my house its going to my house.. right?
im just not sure about the av cables, has anyone ever bought something and sent to the wrong address? what did you do? thanks for any help in advance