Author Topic: will it work?  (Read 1556 times)

Offline Ch4rL13

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will it work?
« on: July 09, 2008, 12:19:29 PM »
ok well the tv in my room is like old lol, and i dont have money for a new one, it just has a analog port (i got direct tv so im good with the digital thing) but i was wundering if i could use my direct tv reciever box thing for game consoles. xbox 360 doesnt have analog av cables (well they do i think) and i bought this cable with s video and the 3 colour plugs. and on the bac of the driect tv reciever there is a s video and the 3 plug things, i dont have my 360 yet but im wundering if those ports will work? at first i thought they would but now im not so sure
can ya help?

Offline Blizzrad

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Re: will it work?
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2008, 07:15:28 AM »
This is difficult to answer without more specifics. Coax, Composite, S-Video, Component, SCART, and VGA are all analog; which of these connections does your TV support? I'm assuming the three color cable you have is Red, White, and Yellow, (not RGB) which is composite video and L/R audio. Usually older TVs have either Coaxial input only, or Coaxial and Composite A/V connections. If your TV has multiple inputs then connect your xbox directly to these. If your cablebox is occupying the only input, then you can either use an A/V switch, RF modulator, or the passthrough on your cablebox to get the signal to the TV (depending on your situation). The S-Video and A/V plugs on your cablebox are most likely outputs, passthrough is usually coax only (however, your box may be different).   

Offline Ch4rL13

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Re: will it work?
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2008, 12:59:13 PM »
yea the 3 colors are red yellow and white and they are output, and my tv only has 1 conector thingy and mydirect tv box is using it
so ur saying this wont work by trying to put my av cable on the outputs of the s vid and those 3 colurs? i already bought the av cable lol :( now i need a rf cable??

Offline Blizzrad

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Re: will it work?
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2008, 02:21:03 PM »
You can't input a signal through an output jack. Unless your cable box has A/V inputs to pass a signal through from other devices, (unlikely) it isn't going to do you much good. It sounds like your best bet would be to get an RF modulator which will allow you to use your xbox A/V cable, and will automatically switch the signal between your xbox and cable box. You could also do this with an old VCR that has A/V inputs (common feature) and connect it between your TV and cable box. Hope this all makes sense, (I know all the different terminology can make this sound a bit convoluted.)

Offline Ch4rL13

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Re: will it work?
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2008, 02:35:08 PM »
i got an old vcr hanging around somewhere, idk is it still works, ill see if i can hook it up
thx for the help tho


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