Members Area > Battles


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what is a battle?
a battle is where to people create a piece of art on a certain theme, and then the public votes whose is the best.

How do you challenge someone?
A post here detailing who you want to challenge, and Chase, myself or Robin will set a theme and rules for you guys :D

Who makes the theme?
until there are moderator/s for this section, me and chase will decide (if you want to chose then put it in your thread until mod/s are picked.)

how long until voting closes?
24 hours

if you want any more answers just ask your questions here.

How you challenge and who

woohoo co-founder :D

A post here detailing who you want to challenge, and H-sauce, myself or Robin will set a theme and rules for you guys :D

nah lets have it so its public from the start so if you dont accept then you will face humiliation =P

done ;)

chase didnt double post, i deleted mine


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